30 Weeks

30 weeks at Burlap and Babies

How far along? 30 weeks! Can’t believe there are only 10+/- weeks to go. Baby is about 15-16 inches long and weighs 3 whole pounds!!

Maternity clothes: Yes! Do you see that baby bump?! Before church on Sunday I moved three more shirts to the “after-baby” pile that I tried to put on. Lame! But glad babes is growing healthy and strong!

Sleep: Going well. Peeing often still.

Food cravings: None. I have been eating a lot of Chipotle and Cafe Yumm lately though.

Nausea: None

Symptoms: As of this week baby has officially moved head down. Hoping she stays that way! Still having swelling but seems to be under control.

Total weight gain: At my monthly visit last night I had only gained one more pound so that’s awesome! Total of 22-24 pounds gained with this baby.

Movement: Been feeling baby move lots!! Until Monday when she turned herself head down and movements changed drastically based on her current position. It’s interesting to see the difference but my midwife says not to be concerned. She’s just getting ready to come out…..which I am totally good with!

Gender: Still a girl as far as we are aware of!

Labor Signs: None. Braxton-hicks have stopped.

Belly button in or out? In

Wedding ring on or off? On

Happy or moody: Happy

Best moment this week: Painted the nursery!! Now the fun part comes of putting it all together. Also, amazon was having an amazing deal on baby gear so we bough our travel system stroller/carseat set for almost $100 off. Excited that things are finally coming together!

Looking forward to: My test results that should come early next week. Last night was my 30 week appointment where I did the glucose test to check for gestational diabetes and they also are testing for pre-eclampsia just to be safe because I was having high blood pressure and swelling. I’m sure everything will be fine but I am just anxious to know the results. Because honestly this anti-inflammatory diet I am on is NO fun! It is so worth it to help my baby but I would much rather not have to watch everything I eat so strictly.

Until next time…Ciao!

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