How to Define Your Signature Style {Part 3}

Combining decorating styles is one of a married couples biggest battles. Justin and I have known each other since we were in diapers, best friends since middle school, dating since high school, married in college….we’ve been through enough together you’d think after 6 years of living in the same home we’d finally have our decorating style figured out. Well, that couldn’t be more far from the truth…until now!

Our home has become a hodge podge of ideas and styles. Justin’s industrial office doesn’t mix with my farmhouse-inspired oversized clock or the pops of color we have in each room like our bright yellow bedside tables. Nothing goes together but I have felt so overwhelmed with where to even begin. Then we threw a new baby in the mix and our home quickly had to become baby-proof and our house become strewn with toys.

Let’s just say any decorating purchases have been made because we see something in the store “that looks cool!” and then figure out where it should go in our house once we get home.

Well, enough is enough.

I am so, SO excited with our new decorating direction and that we have agreed on our style. Not his style, not my style, but OUR style — and neither of us feel like we are compromising who we are! That is huge!

So without further ado….our new style!

Comfortable Modern Home Decor Inspiration — Learn the secret to how we discovered our signature style...and you can too!
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So here it goes in all it’s defined glory…

Our style is Comfortable Modern.

The short definition: Our style is raw, well-balanced, and neutral, but not minimal, rustic, or formal.

Our longer, defined style: Our style is modern with clean lines, open, and airy, but not minimal lacking personality or stark. We like cool contrasting neutral colors, not overly stated, and no bold pops of color. Our style is raw because we like exposed materials and beams with juxtaposed accessories, but not rustic, mismatched or a mix of wood types. Our style is well-balanced, but not overly formal, ornate, vintage, or cluttered.

How awesome is that?!

Now — before we make any decorating decision — we run it through that definition and decide does it fit? We also have a Pinterest board to refer to as a visual definition of our style and how things go together within our style.

Slowly, but surely, we plan to redecorate using things we have in our home and makeover other things that are easy to change to fit our newly defined style.

I’m sure you’re asking yourself, how the heck do I define my style like that?!

Well, I’m glad you asked!! My friend, Jackie, at Teal & Lime has put together an incredible course called Define Your Style Lab. With her easy explained science behind the art of decorating, Jackie teaches women how to create a beautiful, meaningful home in her School of Decorating. Without her course, there is no way we would have ever been able to figure out how to combine my cozy contemporary style with Justin’s modern industrial style. 

After one week of going through her course we were able to define our style exactly and both feel awesome about it!

Are you ready to define your signature style? What are you waiting for? Grab Define Your Style Lab here and get started uncovering your true, unique decorating style and how to apply it in your home in 4 easy step-by-step units.

PLUS, she’s including a special bonus that will be crucial as we start to redecorate our home — The Couple’s Guide to Combining Styles!

Get it today before you make one more bad decorating decision you regret later on. 

Not ready to define your style but LOVE this look as much as I do? I’ve included affiliate links for your convenience to make it easy to check out any of the items we included in our style board for yourself by just clicking the images below. Click here to read my full disclosure policy.

Shop this look at A Crafted Passion

So, that’s it friends! I’m so excited with how we were able to define our signature style and I hope you jump on board to discover your style.

Get Define Your Style Lab here and stop wasting money on decorating decisions you’ll regret a few months from now! I promise, it’s totally worth it!

Disclosure: I was given access to this course for free, however, all opinions are my own and I was not asked to provide a review. I seriously am just SO excited about our new decorating direction and finally feel like we can make our home into ours that I feel everyone needs to know about this course!

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