5 Signs Divorce Is On The Cards

Divorce, a word that carries weight and finality, is a shared experience in today’s world. It’s not uncommon, with around 40% of couples finding themselves on this path, often around the 8-year mark.

Whether you’re at the seven-year itch, past it, or even years away, if the thought of divorce is looming, remember that change is always possible. This post is here to help you navigate these challenging times and make the best decision for your relationship.

man in gray crew neck long sleeve shirt standing beside woman in black crew neck shirt

This post is here to help you understand that you’re not alone in your struggles. Whether you’re considering divorce or hoping to save your marriage, there are others who have been where you are and found their way forward.

Read on for 5 signs you are looking at divorce.

Lack of Respect

If either of you or both of you have lost respect for each other, it might be time to call it quits. If you have no respect, then it’s highly likely this can’t be regained, and you’re probably frequently clashing over things or not wanting to be around each other. Be honest: If you don’t have respect for your spouse, can you regain it? If the answer is no, now might be the time to consider a divorce.

Physical or Emotional Abuse

If you are experiencing physical or emotional abuse or you’re giving it out, then it’s time to call it quits. You can be open and look into therapy for your issues, but if the damage is done, there is likely no way forward, and this needs to be a marriage that is dissolved sooner rather than later. That being said, when one person decides to leave marriage through physical or emotional abuse, not only is it extremely difficult, but it immediately becomes hazardous, too, so you need help and support to do this safely.

There are multiple charities for both women and men to seek refuge from abusive marriages or relationships, and seeking them out or asking loved ones for help can be your way to escape safely. Alternatively, law enforcement can aid you in providing safety to leave the marriage or file charges and put matters in place to stop the abuse.


One eros stepping on the marriage means there are some serious issues afoot either within the marriage or for the person doing the cheating. While cheating doesn’t automatically mean you need to get divorced, it does mean you need to address the problem and look at what your options are moving forward. It might be that you look into separation or divorce to see what is best for you right now so you can work through why infidelity is a problem. Or, you might choose to seek therapy to overcome cheating within a marriage. But if this isn’t something you can accept or live with, then divorce might be the best for you.

You’re Living Separate Lives

If you like two ships passing in the night, you rarely do anything together, has the marriage run its course? Living entirely separate lives can indicate you don’t have anything in common anymore or a lack of desire to be around each other, and your marriage is one of convenience now rather than love. If you’re both happy with this arrangement and don’t need to change it, then great, carry on; no harm, no foul. But if it’s upsetting you or you cannot continue to live like this and don’t see things changing, it might be worth initiating a divorce.

You Fell Out Of Love

If you fell in love once, there’s every chance you can do it again. But generally, if there’s no love between you anymore, it’s highly likely you’re heading for divorce anyway, and there’s no putting off the inevitable.

Falling out of love isn’t something that you can help, and while you can work on falling back in love with each other again, it isn’t always realistic or even something people want to do. If this is where you are, it’s probably best to move on with your life and give yourself the chance to find someone you do love and want to be with.

There are probably multiple signs that your marriage isn’t the safe haven or cocoon of love it once was. While most of these signs dont always indicate you need to get a divorce, looking at the bigger picture and understanding how you feel can ultimately help you decide whether it’s worth saving or you need to go your separate ways.

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