7 Tips For Your Next Bathroom Remodel

We have all, at one point or another, have spent a good amount of time over the last few years working on different parts of our house in little ways. From having to remodel and craft a work-from-home set up in one of the corners of your home to making the living room a lot more homey as everyone is stuck together, your house has been undergoing a lot of changes.
Bathroom Interior Incidence Of Light - AndreasGoellner / Pixabay

The same can be said for your bathrooms. Spending more and more time at home also equates to your household bathroom possibly being the only bathroom you use nowadays, so why shouldn’t it be subject to the same remodeling antics done to any other part of your house? From updating your bathroom fixtures or refinishing your furniture and bathroom vanity, we’ve got just the thing for you on how to make it better and comfier for your whole family.

1. Back To Basics

While bathroom decorations and aesthetic add-ons look great and pleasing to the eye, it will all be for naught if your bathroom’s fixture and the foundation are broken, outdated, and unstable. With this, the first step of every bathroom remodeling is to look at your current bathroom’s fixtures and assess if they are alright. Is your toilet still working properly? How’s the drainage? Do you have floorings such as tiles that are already loose?

If the answer to any of these is yes, then it’s time to get back to the basics first. Make sure to repair or replace any of your bathroom’s broken fixtures — and please don’t skip this part! It may be a little more work than you expected when you wanted to remodel your bathroom at first but trust us, if you don’t make the necessary repairs, any remodeling done will be all for naught.

2. Go Ergonomic

Once your bathroom’s fixtures and infrastructures are all set and stable, now’s the time to slowly check off your list for making your bathroom the best it can be. Next on the list: comfort. While the fashion industry may have a longstanding debate on whether comfort or style is more important when it comes to house remodeling – there is no competition; comfort first, and do it in style!

Now, to make your bathroom as comfortable as it can be, why not go ergonomic? Widespread online shopping also made way for ergonomic little appliances and trinkets to infiltrate the consumer market at the height of the pandemic. Comfort and convenience are valuable commodities more than ever. Small changes can be made like upgrading to an automatic toothpaste dispenser, non-slip mats, even electric and automatic toilet seat covers. Find ergonomic appliances you can add and put in your bathroom that aren’t over the top but provide you with just the right amount of comfort as one should feel in your home and bathroom.

3. Safety Features

This one’s a no-brainer. Install the necessary safety measures that your family needs depending on your home situation. Anti-slip and fixtures are usually the default safety precaution need but depending on your family members’ different needs such as if there are differently-abled individuals, children, or elderly then it is advisable to install and adjust different preventive measures according to their needs.

Note that one important aspect of assessing the needed safety measure you have to apply to your bathroom is to find the right balance between underthinking and overthinking. Overthink every possible hazard and you would have barely opening doors, faucets, and the like whereas underthinking what can happen may cause one too many accidents further down the road. Find this balance by simply looking at possible scenarios (don’t be too extreme) that everyone in your household acknowledges are realistic and can happen to them. Together, decide on the safety measures you will apply to your bathroom so that everyone will be oriented on how your bathroom will be customized to fit everyone’s needs.

Furniture Design Interior Bathroom - Lisaphotos195 / Pixabay

4. Theme and Decors

Now we’ve covered the basic concerns that one has to touch base with first when doing a bathroom remodel, the next step is to decide on your bathroom’s overall theme and decoration. For this, we would recommend first deciding your theme. As we have previously stated in our articles: coordination is key. So make sure you envision your color scheme and plan your decorations before purchasing or buying anything!

We suggest looking over your color combination ideas or forming an idea board or mock-up of your plans for your bathroom’s theme and decoration – this will allow you to be able to see it first before having to shell out any money. If the mock-ups look as impressive as it was in your head you were conceptualizing it, then go ahead and purchase it! It’s becoming the fun part of the bathroom remodeling process and this is the time you enjoy and put a little bit of yourself and your taste into planning your theme and decorations.

5. Choose Sturdy Brands and Materials

Already have a theme and an idea of the decorations you’re gonna go for? Now is the perfect time to buy! This is the time when doing a quick quality check would come in handy and make your decorating life a lot better.

Bathroom remodeling is usually done at least once every five years. Because of this, every time you do purchase new fixtures, appliances, or decorations for your bathroom, you should always have longevity in mind. Cross-check different brands’ prices, sturdiness, quality, and value for money – this might take some work, but it will save you a lot in the future. In a way, choosing sturdier brands and materials for your bathroom repairs will become an investment as it lasts you way longer than you would expect.

6. Know Your Limits

With you down to the actual decorating stage, the tips, and tricks on how to deal with the materials you will use for your bathroom end here. However, there is one more thing you have to mind – know your limits.

While it is a fun activity to try something new and learn something new every day, there is a reason why experts exist. As you decorate and remodel your bathroom, make sure that should you find some of the processes too unfamiliar such as plumbing, flooring, installations, and the like; the best choice may be to outsource. When it comes to being repairs and installations, wrongly doing it might sometimes prove more detrimental than the cost it takes to outsource which is why as you go ahead and install your bathroom decorations, fixtures, and appliances knowing your limit is the best way to go.

7. Have Fun

Remodeling in itself is stressful, but the changes in home improvements brought about by the pandemic should not cause you any additional stress. With this, make this an enjoyable experience by incorporating your family, partner, or whoever is in the house with you. Decide on which materials to buy, what has to be done – even study on how to do some of the minor repairs yourself! It may prove to be the stress-relief we all need throughout this pandemic and you end up with an upgraded bathroom in the process.

One more thing, just make sure you have the free time and resources before undertaking the task of remodeling your bathroom as it takes too much time off your schedule and too much of your budget may inadvertently lead to stress.

8. Think Of The Walls

If you are wanting to do a complete overhaul of your bathroom then you will need to think about how you want the completed project to look. With this in mind, you may decide to paint the walls or choose some beautiful wall tiles. Alternatively, you could look into large and inexpensive bathroom wall cladding. This is totally waterproof and easier to install than tiles. Make sure you shop around and find the best deal for you. You can get all sorts of designs and colors so you will be sure to find someone suitable for your new bathroom.

The Bottom Line

Overall, the specific materials you would need for a bathroom repair vary from fixtures, infrastructures to small ergonomic appliances and even aesthetic decorations; the sky’s the limit! Go through the list above again to be able to see what goes into choosing the materials needed for your bathroom’s next remodeling takes and make the necessary preparations.

Follow all these steps and you’ll be able to achieve the bathroom of your dreams! Remodeling takes time, effort, funds, and a lot of energy to do so so make sure you are prepared to make the commitment needed to see your bathroom’s remodeling through and through. Trust us, once you check each of the factors you have to consider that we’ve mentioned, not only will your bathroom look the best it can be, but it will also provide you, your family members, and even your visitors comfort like no other. There is no need to compromise style for comfort when you can have both.

Together with your family remember to tackle your basics first, have ultimate comfort in mind as you go ergonomic, talk about safety and how you can accident-proof your bathroom, vote on and decide your bathroom’s main theme, decorations, and how its overall aesthetic will be designed, have value for money and quality in mind when it’s time to actually purchase the needed materials, know when it’s time to call the professionals and just have fun. At the end of it all, you’ll have a bathroom you and your family will be proud of.

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