Boring Master Bedroom BEFORE

Check out the before of this boring master bedroom makeover! Follow along to see the full transformation!

When you’re having a bad day, what room in your home are you most likely to go to?

Living Room?
Dining Room?
Craft Room?

What about your bedroom?

Ever since having Maggie and struggling with postpartum depression (you can read a little about my PPD story here), our master bedroom has become a sort of retreat for me. A place to hide and get a break when I desperately need it.

However, our master bedroom has been a poor neglected space ever since we moved in five years ago. It’s a fairly large room with an awkward walk-in closet where half of the closet is practically unusable due to the door opening inward and an outdated bathroom attached.

I am SO EXCITED to finally transform this space!!

Last Fall we made over our powder room and it inspired me to dream big for our bedroom. We were able to makeover our tiny half bath on a tight budget with some simple hacks and DIY projects.

In case you missed it, see our powder room makeover here!

I’m so excited to take what home improvement things I’ve learned in the past few years and finally create a relaxing space for my husband and me.

Over the next six weeks, we will be transforming our boring master bedroom into a monochrome master bedroom oasis.

Current problems:

  • Terrible clothes organization
  • Need better drawer storage
  • Doesn’t feel like “us”
  • Need a cushioned headboard to lean against when nursing babies, reading a book, or just hanging out on early Saturday mornings
  • Create a solution for bed pillows
  • Just gotta make it look way better!

Now, enough talking about it, let me show you the space!

Boring Master Bedroom Before Transformation

If you’ve seen any of my recent mood boards or follow me on social media at all, you probably know that this room you see DOES NOT accurately match our style….like at all!

When we moved in it got a coat of blue-gray paint on one wall, we made some Target knockoff nightstands (long before we knew how to actually build furniture well) and I made some hanging orb lights that haven’t actually had any lightbulbs in them for the past year after our dining room light bulbs burned out.

Our wedding vows wood sign is fun, but not quite our style now. Time to make a new one!

Boring Master Bedroom Before Transformation

Boring Master Bedroom Before Transformation

Can we please talk about this cord mess? I mean, what the heck?!

This is what my side table has looked like since we moved in. All I’ve got is a long extension cord with a monitor to watch my kiddos and phone cord plugged in, but I’ve dealt with that mess every night for the last 3 years. I’ve just never taken the time to figure out a solution.

Boring Master Bedroom Before Transformation

The empty picture frame? Ya, that’s been sitting there for probably a year now. Can’t remember where the wedding picture went that was in there.

Our miniature Australian shepherd slept locked in his kennel every night until Clara was born and then we felt bad locking him up at night since he got the majority of his attention at night and now the kennel sits there unused 99% of the time.

Boring Master Bedroom Before Transformation

That chair? You all know the chair. The one that pillows get tossed on and clothes that aren’t clean, but not too dirty? Yep, that chair. I’ve literally sat in it probably 10 times in the last 5 years. It’s not comfy and it does not match our style.

Time to ditch that chair for an upgraded version of one that I’ll actually want to sit in to snuggle a baby or read a book.

Boring Master Bedroom Before Transformation

Boring Master Bedroom Before Transformation

Closet Organization

Let’s talk about the mess of our closet for a minute.

So the idiots that built this home put in a door that opens just barely into the “walk-in” closet, however, all the space behind the door is practically unusable. The only way to get to that stuff is if you shut the door all the way, which is super inconvenient since we have our laundry hamper right in the closet where you would have to stand to get the door shut.

It’s just become a hoarding place of maternity clothes, dresses that no longer fit, an old prom dress, graduation robes, professional clothes from when I was in business school and had a professional job, and whatever else gets thrown back there.

Boring Master Bedroom Before Transformation

Boring Master Bedroom Before Transformation

My clothes tend to take up about 2/3 of the closet and my poor husband gets this one short wall. Sorry babe!

The shelf on top of the closet is an unorganized mess of clothes. We need to figure out a better system and get rid of so many clothes! Hello, a simplified closet!!

Every day when I look in my closet I’m more in love with the concept of minimalism.

Boring Master Bedroom Before Transformation

We both use old plastic containers from college for socks and underwear. We seriously need to grow up and ditch these cheap looking containers. We’re full grown adults and can afford to buy something a little nicer.

Boring Master Bedroom Before Transformation

This dresser on the left holds random clothes we rarely use like workout clothes and swimsuits. The drawers are just wood with no slides so are really clunky to open (which is why we don’t use it for socks and underwear). I painted it 8 years ago and put on new knobs, but other than that have left it alone.

Clearly, I didn’t even clean up the dresser before I took this photo, but this is real life. I’m not ashamed to admit that we’re kinda slobs. We are not the cleanest people and when we typically only spend any time in our room when we’re sleeping or overwhelmed, it’s just never been high on the priority list to find a solution for this dresser mess. It’s just become a catch-all place for random things we find in the kid’s hands that they shouldn’t have or as we empty our pockets at the end of the night.

Also, that necklace holder is going to be replaced with this necklace stand I made ASAP.

Boring Master Bedroom Before Transformation — dresser

I had always dreamed of a full-length mirror in our bedroom so bought that one for about $50 at Costco a few years back. The wall next to the mirror usually has random blankets we no longer use on our bed or clothes we need to put away.

I told you! Our room is just a mess and needs so much help!

We need to turn it into a relaxing, organized bedroom that inspires us to rest and recooperate after a long day, rather than feeling cluttered and overwhelmed.

Boring Master Bedroom Before Transformation

Each week I will update this list on our progress because, let’s be honest, crossing things off a list is highly rewarding!

Project List:

  • Install board and batten
  • Paint walls and ceiling
  • Remove carpet
  • Install new flooring
  • Paint doors black
  • Switch closet door to open into room
  • Install new ceiling fan
  • Makeover headboard
  • Figure out dresser organization
  • Install wall sconces
  • Build two nightstands
  • Organize closet
  • Make art with our wedding vows
  • Hang new curtain rod and curtains
  • Accessorize!

This week we plan to clear out the bedroom and start tackling the board and batten wall. Be sure to check back next week to see the complete mood board and all the design plans for the space!

Check out all the rooms that are being made over at One Room Challenge right here!


One Room Challenge



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7 thoughts on “Boring Master Bedroom BEFORE

  1. Your vulnerability in showing the before pictures is really amazing, Amanda. It is interesting how you are tackling one thing at a time and getting so much accomplished! My hoops and hollers of encouragement!

  2. So much potential in this space! Can’t wait to see your new plans! :) Master bedrooms are such fun spaces to tackle.

  3. Amanda,

    I love that you’re focusing on your master bedroom. We always neglect that space as parents don’t we?! We are transforming our mudroom for the ORC! Best of luck to you!!!


  4. So excited for you to have a fabulous master bedroom retreat! It’s a big project but so worth it. Looking forward to following along! :)

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