Clara: 12 Month Update

Today I have a one year old! I don’t think it’s sunk in yet! This year has completely flown by!! Every day Clara is doing something bigger and better than the day before. Yesterday she was looking in a play mirror and I ask “who’s that baby?” and without a second thought she says, “La-la.” Which is her adorable attempt at saying her name. Read on to hear more about this last month.

Be sure to come back tomorrow to see a cute desk makeover if baby updates aren’t your thing.

Monthly baby update / 12 Months


Well this girl is a walker! About two week’s ago she just took off. It’s so fun to see her grow and change. When we’re at home and she’s distracted (like drinking from her sippy cup while walking) she has no limits. Of course, she’s still a little unstable and falls a lot but she’s doing awesome!

Talking is the other huge thing. Besides saying her name, last week she started saying, “Hi Charlie!” to our dog. It’s not like a full “char-lie” but it’s her version and it’s precious! If she likes something or is excited for food she’ll say “yeh” in a sweet whispery voice.

She continues to LOVE peekaboo! She will hide behind anything and everything. During our little photoshoot she pulled a balloon down and started hiding behind it and then popping it.

Monthly baby update / 12 Months


When Clara had hand, foot, and mouth disease at the beginning of November her eating got all out of wack. After 6 days of her refusing to nurse at bedtime I made the decision to stop her dinner time nursing so that she would instead be hungry at bedtime. She just eats so many solids now she wasn’t hungry by the time bedtime rolled around. Now, she nurses three times a day and eats three meals of solid food a day with some snacks in between. I’m a little sad to realize she’s self-weaning but I know this is how it’s supposed to be and the best decision for us.


Clara continues to be a sleeping dream child. She wakes up in the morning and sits in her crib cooing and talking to herself for about an hour. She has two naps during the day and goes to bed between 7:30 and 8.

Monthly baby update / 12 Months


Little girl is still pretty little. She is right on track with where she has been (30th percentile) and hasn’t gone down in percentile but she is still a tiny little girl. Most people guess she is around 8 months when they see her. On the bright side, it makes it so that her tiny baby walking is that much cuter.

Monthly baby update / 12 Months


A few months ago we realized she kept looking at my sister’s ears. They both wear earrings. I do not. She finds earrings fascinating. If you ask her “Do I have earrings?” she will immediately lean to the side to check to see if you are wearing earrings and then lean to the other side to check the other ear. It is so adorable! She will occasionally aggressively lean without you asking and stare intensely at your ears. Such a funny girl!

Oh the faces! Clara is all about the reaction. She will do anything to get a reaction out of you. I posted this on Instagram a few days ago. This video was actually over two minutes long that I took of her going between glaring and full big cheesy smiles.

I don’t think I’ve mentioned this in past monthly updates but Clara loves to tickle! She goes “tickle tickle tickle” and moves her tiny little fingers. Many times I’ve caught her going “tickle tickle tickle” to her foot in her carseat if we’re driving somewhere. This weekend she was attempting to tickle her great-grandma’s face.


Riding on her daddy’s shoulders. She grabs tight to his hair and occasionally leans over to smile in his face or give him giant slobbery kisses.

Kisses. She loves giving her stuffed animals kisses. Well, and her little boyfriend Otis. He tends to cry when she kisses him but she absolutely loves it. She also knows the difference between giving kisses, giving eskimo kisses, and blowing kisses. It’s precious! Her blowing kisses is on the back of her hand with an aggressive “muuuu-ahhh!”

Music and playing the piano. She loves singing and dancing and baby girl can, and does, pound on the piano for hours. She may have gotten this baby grand piano for her birthday! It’s pretty much the cutest thing ever and the perfect size for her!!

This baby grand piano makes the perfect gift for the music lover child in your life!


She’s pretty attached to me still but I’m starting to see glimpses of more independence so it’ll be interesting to see how she does the next few months. Other than that, there isn’t really anything that I can think of that she doesn’t like.

I can’t believe it’s been one year since I went to the birth center thinking I might have a baby in the next 24 hours and she was in my arms less than an hour later. What an amazing year this has been!!

If you follow me on Instagram, than you probably saw that we celebrated Clara’s first birthday last weekend. Here’s a little sneak peek. We had so much and I loved planning it! I have hundreds of pictures to sort through and posts to write up but I hope you’re ready for an onslaught of glittery birthday goodness….they’re coming for you!

Purple & Silver First Birthday Party.

I cannot believe this is my last monthly post. The next time you’ll see a post like this will be when I’m pregnant with our next little blessing. Until that time, you can look back at the past year or peruse old baby bump updates.

You can read all the other updates here.
1 Month / 2 Months / 3 Months / 4 Months / 5 Months
6 Months / 7 Months / 8 Months / 9 Months / 10 Months / 11 Months

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