Overwhelmed momma? THIS ONE’S FOR YOU!

I’ve heard so many times that the chaos of motherhood is “just a phase” as if we’re supposed to be okay living in survival mode.

Enough is enough.

Are you a tired, overwhelmed, exhausted momma? Then this is for you!

Overwhelmed mom in messy home

After the birth of my second child life was tough and I felt like I was suffocating. I was unhappy and counting the seconds until the end of each day. I rarely did anything for myself and when I did I felt intense mom guilt every second of it.

I finally realized I needed to make myself a priority and I committed to taking time each day to be creative in some way—and to say it helped would be an understatement.

I found joy again. I found laughter and abounding creativity. I cherished my girls. I loved my husband better.

Woman painting

Today, I’m a better balanced, happier momma. I play with my kids. I create. I find time for myself and to meet up with friends and go on playdates to the park.

I shared a little about my struggle with postpartum depression a year ago and it’s been quite the journey since then.

Through a lot of self-discovery and soul searching I found joy again and I want that for you!

Let’s stop just “surviving” and instead focus on THRIVING. I wrote Creative Momma to help other mommas make herself a priority again and find time to be creative to be the best person she can be. There is more to your identity than just being ‘mom’.

Overwhelmed mom napping

Maybe we can’t all have eight hours of sleep, three nutritious meals at the perfect time every day, and workout five days a week…but are you doing the best that you can given your circumstances? Are you trying to do it all and be supermom that you have forgotten who you are?

Moms…this one’s for you!

You are enough. You are incredible. Grab your copy of Creative Momma and learn to create amidst the chaos in order to be your best self.

Creative Momma is a motivational book I wrote just for YOU.

Image of Creative Momma book

Guaranteed to help you let go of the mom guilt and set aside more time to fuel your soul, Creative Momma will help you conquer your creative time once and for all with practical tips and resources.

Creative Momma was just released for the first time this week and I’m so excited to hear what you learn from it! Until Friday night, October 5, I’m offering the Kindle version for just $1.99 because I believe that strongly in it and want as many moms as possible to get their hands on it!

This week I’m also giving exclusive access to a bundle of bonuses that I created just for you!

Image of bonuses

Every person who purchases Creative Momma and leaves me their email address to claim their bonuses, will receive a PDF to guide you through the book with simple, actionable steps. By the time you finish Creative Momma, you will have a solid plan in place to start moving forward working towards being the very best version of you.

In addition, to the guide, each person who claims their bonuses will receive a PDF bundle including…

  • 15 inspirational quote,
  • A 30-day self-care challenge calendar,
  • A daily intentional living printable, and
  • 11 tips to a stress-free holiday.

I know that as mothers we have to decide what we have time for and what becomes a priority. Here’s what Emily, mom of Chloe, said…

“As a new mom, I found myself struggling to balance my new role as ‘Mom’ with the need to take care of myself. ‘Creative Momma’ brilliantly illustrates the importance of self-care and empowered me to let go of the mom guilt and set aside more time to fuel myself through creative pursuits.”

YES! So good! That’s exactly why I wrote Creative Momma. Chelsea, a momma of two, said…

“I felt like Amanda was talking right to me in this amazing book! She reminded me that it is MY job to take back my creativity and get back to who I really am.”

And don’t forget, price goes up and bonuses are gone this Friday night. Hurry before you miss out! I can’t wait to hear what you think of Creative Momma and how it helps transform your life! Click here to get your copy now.

Want more information about what’s included in Creative Momma? Get all the details here!

Are you an overwhelmed mom? Feel  like you've lost your identity? Get your copy of Creative Momma TODAY and feel empowered to create amidst the chaos in order to be your best self! Head to creativemommabook.com. #iamacreativemomma