Eight Ways To Look After Your Senior Relatives

Caring for your elderly relatives can be incredibly rewarding. After all, it is a chance to repay them for the time they spent helping you. However, it can also be incredibly challenging. In fact, 69% of those taking on caring duties find it hard to juggle these responsibilities with their own life.

Fortunately, there are many steps that you can to make the process smoother for all involved. Read on to find out more!

man in white crew neck t-shirt sitting on chair in front of table with food

Ask them how you can help.

Caring for elderly relatives should not mean infantilizing them. As such, it is important that you ask them how you can help instead of making decisions on their behalf (unless they do not have the mental capacity to make smart, healthy decisions).

It (still) takes a village.

They say it takes a village to raise a baby, but this logic can actually apply to caring for someone at any stage of their lives. After all, if your loved one is dealing with complex health conditons, the chances are that you will not be able to provide them with all of the support they need alone. As such, you should encourage other relatives to pitch in when they can while also ensuring they connect with relevant health and aging support professionals, such as doctors and physicians.

Make use of technology.

Advances in technology have transformed senior care, which means that making use of these tools can benefit both your loved one and your peace of mind. For example, if they are set on aging in place and living at home for as long as possible, then you may want to invest in an emergency call button for seniors. This way, should they fall or need urgent help, they can receive assistance as quickly as possible.

Protect them from scams.

Various studies have found that seniors are far more likely to fall victim to scams than other demographics. There are many reasons for this, from a lack of understanding of technology to a decline in analytical thinking skills. As such, it is important that you know how to protect elderly individuals from scams, such as by monitoring their credit reports.

a couple of people that are walking across a bridge

Make adjustments to their home.

Whether your loved one will be moving in with you and your family or aging in place, you will likely need to make accommodations at home in order to properly support them. For example, if they are dealing with limited mobility, then you may want to install handrails in key areas of your home so that they have additional support when moving around. In some cases, you may be able to acquire funding to purchase these items.

Help them find the right place to live.

As your loved ones, healthcare needs become more complex; they may need to consider moving to a specialist care facility or retirement village.  There are many benefits associated with this transition, even if it is something they are resistant to to begin with. For example, not only does it mean that they have access to daily support, but it can also help to combat loneliness and isolation as they become part of a community.

However, it is important that you carry out plenty of research ahead of time to help them find the best local retirement living community, taking into account factors such as facilities, healthcare needs, and costs.

Accompany them to any appointments.

Staying up-to-date with your loved one’s health and well-being is key to providing them with the support they need, and the easiest way to achieve this goal is to accompany them to any appointments they may have. You should also be sure to add appointments to your calendar if they are a little forgetful.

When accompanying them to an appointment, don’t be afraid to ask questions. This will allow you to continue providing with your loved one, especially if they have complex needs that you don’t thoroughly understand.

Combat loneliness.

Loneliness and isolation can have a profound impact on both our physical and mental health, especially as we get older. For exmaple, some studies have found a link between loneliness and cognitive decline and conditons such as dementia. As such, this should be considered a priority moving forward.

Fortunately, there are many steps that you can take to help elderly individuals combat loneliness. For example, you could encourage them to get involved in local community projects and classes, such as senior fitness sessions. In addition to this, you should be sure to check in as often as you can, even if that is over the phone.

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