How to Decorate Galaxy Easter Eggs

Learn how to decorate galaxy Easter eggs using just some basic food coloring and a paper towel! They turn out stunning and are swoon-worthy!

As I was brainstorming how to decorate Easter eggs with things we already have, these were the ones I was least excited about….and then I did them. Using just a few simple things you already have you can decorate galaxy Easter eggs and they look gorgeous!

My husband literally was shocked and couldn’t figure out how I did them — and that’s impressive coming from a graphic designer.

So, here’s how to make your own and how you can involve the kids.

Learn how to decorate galaxy easter eggs with using just some basic food coloring and a paper towel!


What you need to decorate galaxy Easter eggs:

  • Dip dyed egg
  • Paper towel
  • Rubberband
  • Food coloring
  • Container
  • Vinegar

Start this egg decorating with an egg that is already dip dyed. The egg pictured had about 20 blue drops and 4 green drops as the base coat. It soaked in the dyed water for about 5 minutes before being dipped in vinegar to set.

1 | Wrap

Take your colored egg and wrap it in a paper towel. The paper towel doesn’t need to be super tight, but it should be touching much of the surface of the egg. Twist the top of the paper towel to hold it in place or use a rubberband.

Learn how to decorate galaxy Easter eggs using just some basic food coloring and a paper towel! They turn out stunning and are swoon-worthy!

2 | Color

Now, take your food coloring and squeeze a few drops on the paper towel randomly. You can also give your child the food coloring while you hold the egg to get them involved. When you do this, push the color onto the egg surface and then let up. This helps give the feathered effect as the food coloring spreads on the paper towel.

Learn how to decorate galaxy Easter eggs using just some basic food coloring and a paper towel! They turn out stunning and are swoon-worthy!

Continue adding spots of color around the egg leaving areas without color. I just did blue, but you could add multiple colors for a different tie-dyed inspired look.

Learn how to decorate galaxy Easter eggs using just some basic food coloring and a paper towel! They turn out stunning and are swoon-worthy!

3 | Dip

Next, take your egg, still wrapped in the paper towel, and dip it in a container with vinegar. This helps spread the color and set the color.

Learn how to decorate galaxy Easter eggs using just some basic food coloring and a paper towel! They turn out stunning and are swoon-worthy!

4 | Rest

Now, set your egg aside until the color has set. Be sure to limit touching the egg until it’s dried.

And that’s all there is to it. They really turned out gorgeous and look just like a galaxy! What do you think?

Learn how to decorate galaxy Easter eggs using just some basic food coloring and a paper towel! They turn out stunning and are swoon-worthy!

Looking for more ways to decorate Easter eggs? Check out 5 more ways here!

Learn how to decorate easter eggs with these beautiful, creative ideas!

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4 thoughts on “How to Decorate Galaxy Easter Eggs

  1. When you dip your egg in vinegar to set the color, is it a quick dip? Do you dip it right after taking it out of the color, or do you let it dry for a few minutes first? Will some of the color come off the egg when I dip it in vinegar? I have never heard of doing a vinegar dip before, so I apologize for the questions.

    1. Hi Diana,

      Yep, you can just do a quick dip with the paper towel still wrapped around the egg. The vinegar mixes with the eggshell and helps set the color. For this egg dyeing it also helps spread the color a bit though.

      Can’t wait to see how they turn out!!


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