How to Decorate Ombre Easter Eggs

I know, I know. Ombre was SO 2015. But guyyyys…I still love ombre! When we were coming up with some creative ways to decorate eggs this year I knew we had to try it. At first I got all complicated about it and overthinking things and then realized it’s actually super easy. So, here we go. Here’s how to decorate ombre Easter eggs. 

Learn how to decorate ombre easter eggs with just some water, basic food coloring, and an egg. Such a great idea!!

How to decorate ombre Easter eggs

What you need:

  • Hot water
  • Vinegar
  • Container
  • Food color
  • Stirrer

1 | Liquid

Start by putting a little bit of hot water into the bottom of your container and a bit of vinegar. The combination of hot and vinegar will help the color set better. The amount depends on your container but fill it enough so that when you set the egg in it cover about 1/3 of your egg while standing.

2 | Color

Add your food coloring to the liquid. I was going with a teal color scheme so added quite a bit of blue and a little green. The trick is to use a stirrer stick to stir the liquid and then pull the stick out to see what color you have. You can also get a good idea by looking the top edge of the water from the side where light comes through to see what color you have. With the darker colors, it can be hard to tell. The first ombre egg I did turned out bright purple. Oops! Lesson learned.

3 | Add Your Egg

So, now you need to place your egg into the water and hold it there for about two minutes. Realize that the egg will get darker the longer it sits so move on to the next step BEFORE you reach the color saturation you want.

4 | Add Water

After two minutes, add water so that the egg is covered about 2/3 of the way and wait another two minutes. If the egg isn’t standing straight up, no worries. It adds to the character of the egg.

5 | Add More Water

Now, fill your container so that the egg is completely submerged in water.

6 | Remove from Water

Using a gloved hand or spoon, check your egg until it’s the right color and then dip it in vinegar. The acid in the vinegar mixes with the calcium in the egg shell to make the color vibrant and hold…or so the googles tell me. I just know the vinegar dip helped and not dipping it in vinegar didn’t work out as well.

Let your egg dry and enjoy!

I love how these ombre eggs look and are the perfect addition to our Easter egg decorating this year!

Looking for more ways to decorate Easter eggs? Check out 5 more ways here!

Learn how to decorate easter eggs with these beautiful, creative ideas!

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