The Importance of Proper AC Installation

Air conditioning (AC) ensures rooms are comfortable and cool, particularly in warm weather. However, air conditioning systems don’t last forever, and will need replacing every decade or two. Many homeowners aren’t aware that a high-quality AC installation can save tons of money in maintenance and utility bill costs. Some may think that a quick and easy installation will save money, but this is not the case in the long run. What can go wrong with an improper AC installation?

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Indoor Air Quality

Improper AC installation can affect the quality of the air you breathe. AC units contain components called plenums to control and deliver airflow through the entire building. The return plenum is responsible for heating or cooling received air and delivering it. This requires a filter. If the filter is improperly installed or the plenum isn’t adjusted correctly, pollutants like dust and pollens will fill the air. This can cause health issues like allergies, breathing problems, or aggravate asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). A dirty filter can also clog the entire AC system much faster, requiring additional maintenance; this takes time and money out of your life unnecessarily.


The airflow can be affected by improper heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) installation. Supply and return plenums in an AC system distribute that conditioned, cool air we love so much. If these plenums aren’t properly adjusted or installed, however, they won’t be able to do their job properly. This can result in uneven temperatures throughout the building, which can be frustrating. The AC system will also have to work harder due to these issues, putting more strain on the system and raising energy bill costs. Overworking the system in this way can cause it to fail earlier than expected, and you’ll need a replacement much sooner—that can cost thousands of dollars!

HVAC Efficiency

The AC system’s efficiency is important for several reasons. An improperly adjusted or installed plenum can overwork the entire system. This results in high energy bill costs every month, increased wear and tear on the system (more maintenance and replacements needed sooner), and humidity issues. Using more energy isn’t great for the environment either, adding more strain on resources.

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Improperly installed AC units can be particularly noisy. When plenums aren’t properly adjusted or installed, it causes disruptions in the entire ductwork, which can make a loud noise. This can make a work day or relaxation day incredibly frustrating. If the noise doesn’t bother you, these disruptions also damage the ductwork, plenums, and the entire system over time, costing money and time to fix. This will also reduce the AC system’s lifespan significantly.


Improper installation of the AC system, plenums, or ductwork will eventually lead to more frequent repairs needed. The damage will also be more dire.  It will also cost a lot more money in repairs due to the added frequency needed. Repairs take a lot of time out of the day, adding frustration and scheduling conflicts to your life. Maintenance is technical and highly difficult to conduct yourself, so a professional will be required.

Operating Costs

Operating costs of your AC system as a whole will rise in both the short and long term. Monthly, energy bills will skyrocket if a system has to work more than intended due to improper system installation. Over the lifetime of the AC system, more repairs will cost more money. The system will last a lot less time as well, resulting in a costly replacement sooner. Overall, you’re adding thousands of dollars to operation costs with an inappropriately installed HVAC system.

Proper HVAC Installation

To receive proper HVAC installation, you’ll want a trained and licensed HVAC technician or company. You’ll want to do some online research and read reviews of potential companies or individuals before hiring them. An AC technician who knows the craft will properly install and adjust the plenums, ductwork, and other components to ensure peak efficiency with minimal wear and tear to the system. They’ll also be able to reduce air pollutants with proper filtering, and they’ll let you know what type of filter works best for your home. While hiring a proper technician to install your AC system may seem like overkill, it can save your home thousands of dollars and hours of frustration, including reducing the need to replace the system for far longer.

Many homeowners don’t understand the importance of proper AC installation.

While a DIY installation may seem like a quick and easy way to save money, it can lead to serious issues. It can raise energy bills and maintenance costs, add wear and tear to the system, and add harmful pollutants to your air supply. You’ll also have to replace the AC much sooner due to improper installation. It’s smart to hire a qualified HVAC technician for any replacement or installation.

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