Tips For Moving Out On A Budget

Moving house is expensive, no matter how much you try to cut corners. While this can be a bit of a pain, if you are prepared for it then it shouldn’t have too much of an impact. Try to plan a budget ahead of time and see what you can do to stick to this. It might be that you move in with parents for a little while beforehand so you can save some extra cash, or perhaps you choose a property that needs some work doing to it in order to slash the price of the property itself. Here we have put together some top tips for moving out on a budget that will help you get everything done at a price that works better for you.

boxes leaning on cardboard box

Prioritize what is important for the move 

When you are moving, you need to think about the most important parts that you need to pay for. Things such as movers are vital for getting everything packed up and done efficiently and can take a lot of hassle out of the process. Often they can provide the boxes and get everything sorted for you. You can also discuss your budget with them so they can help out as much as possible. Consider asking friends or family members to look after pets and children so they don’t get in the way and you don’t need to pay for childcare on the day. 

Have a budget in mind that you stick to 

Prior to putting your current place on the market it’s a good idea to have a budget in mind that you stick to. If you’re going to hire movers, make sure to get a few moving quotes. You should write down every cost that is associated with moving from the stamp duty and taxes that you have to pay. You will need to pay for things such as mortgage brokers, stamp duty, conveyancing and more. Your bills might also go up, with things like council tax or your water and electricity being more expensive than it used to be. This is particularly true if you are going for a bigger property than you have already as it will cost more to heat in the winter for example.

See if you can find second hand items

When you are moving, you are going to want to fill it with new furniture, particularly if you are moving out for the first time. If you do need to get a lot of furniture to fill your home, it’s worth looking for second hand items. You can then either use these as they are or take them as an opportunity to get creative and upcycle them with paint and new handles etc. Look in thrift stores, auction houses and on places such as Facebook marketplace or eBay where you can find a lot of great items much cheaper than if you were going to buy them brand new. 

Find a place that needs doing up

When you are exploring the housing market, you will often be presented with two types of properties – those that need doing up completely and those that are livable. Often those that are ready to move into and look good already are a bit more expensive, but those that need some work done are cheaper. If you are on a budget it can be worth opting for a place that needs some work doing to it and then slowly decorating it and adding in new items when you have the funds. This way you aren’t paying as much up front so you can spread the cost out a bit.

Sell items online that you no longer use

When you are getting ready to move, there will likely  be a lot of items you don’t use anymore and want to get rid of. Instead of throwing them away, sell them on places such as eBay or other second hand sites. This can help you get some extra cash that can either go in your bank or be used towards the moving costs and furniture and accessories for your new abode. 

These are just a few top tips that should help you move out on a budget. Remember that some costs associated with moving are just unavoidable and you are going to have to spend it. By being sensible with your money and having funds set aside for the move, it should make it that bit easier. What are some of your top tips for moving on a budget that mean you can have peace of mind? Let us know in the comments below. 

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