Turn Your Spare Room Into a Stunning Home Office

A home office is almost a necessity these days. Whether you work part-time from home, have the odd day, or work fully remotely, a dedicated space is a lifesaver. But where do you begin? From visualizing what you require to decorating the room, here are some handy suggestions.

turned off silver iMac

Clear Out the Room

You can’t really achieve anything in a spare room project by dancing around stuff already in there? A good DIY project relies on having a blank canvas to work with. So begin by clearing out the room. This is easier than you think. There are always local junk removal companies available that can pop around and help you out with the problem for a small fee. Additionally, professional services will also dispose of your items properly. This means they are likely to be sorted and sent to landfills or recycling centers for the correct and eco-friendly disposal.

Visualize Your Home Office

You will get so much more from a project when you know what you want. Around 50% of home DIY projects end up botched. But a clear vision helps achieve the desired results without too much hassle or disappointment. Beginning with research, you can also try the following:

  • List what your office must have based on comfort and practical needs.
  • Sketch out a quick plan and where you want things to go based on the available space.
  • You can also use CAD software to design an office or resort to The Sims 4 for some fun!

No two offices are the same, and a list of personal needs helps you to source what you need and make the most of space. A sketch can help you keep a visual image of the design. Yet further design software can help you plan a design based on accurate space measurements.

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Shortlist the Furniture You Need

Choosing a design style is a vital choice when coming up with your new office space. A design aesthetic also dictates the style of furniture you need. Of course, you can go for an eclectic design, but for organization, pleasing the eye, and keeping it simple, a specific style can be your best friend. Based on your desired style, browse online stores such as Amazon or Ikea for the furniture you need. Ikea is particularly good for keeping a cohesive design in a limited space.

Think About What  a Home Office Needs

Your office is unlikely to be the same as your neighbor’s. Everyone has different needs depending on the work they do. However, there are some common features of a modern office, too. Thinking about these and what you need, here are some of the biggest considerations:

  • Lighting is essential, and a good balance of artificial and natural light will help.
  • A modern office needs the web, so think about Wi-Fi boosters or cable installation.
  • You may have files and folders, so you also need space for adequate document storage.
  • A desk big enough for work and a full-sized desktop PC is usually recommended.
  • Think about the placement of peripherals such as printers and smart devices if needed.

Lighting is essential for health when working. It also helps reduce the effects of blue light radiation. There’s not much worse for productivity than a cluttered desk, so ensure you consider file storage. Items like printers can also take up a lot of space, so ensure you include these, too.

black and white table lamp on white wooden table

Don’t Forget Health and Safety

An office can be a dangerous place, especially at home. At the work office, there are several safety regulations that the company has to adhere to. For example, computer network cables must be diverted through channels under the flooring, ceiling, and special desks. At home, you are responsible for such safety. Think about how the cables will be run through the office and buy cable tidies. Also, consider how you can reduce the chances of RSI with a desk and chair.

Decorate the Home Office

Decorating is one of those things you love or hate. But it must be done. This is much easier with a clean room. However, depending on what you need, it can take between a few hours to 2 months to decorate a room properly. So consider these to make it a little bit easier for yourself:

  • Take some time off work so you can begin your office project uninterrupted.
  • Purchase everything you need ahead of time to avoid having to pop out to the store.
  • Ask friends or family for help with large jobs such as removing furniture.

Being interrupted when decorating will almost guarantee poor results. You need dedicated time to get the job done. You will also become frustrated if you have to leave in the middle of the job. Even a small room can be a hard job, so ask for help if you feel overwhelmed by the task.

Add Personal Touches

When the room is decorated, you have a blank canvas. This is where the fun really begins. You can then begin making the room your own. Assembling furniture and placing it into a fresh space is pretty satisfying. But then there are personal touches. These are what will make your office yours. Plants, decorative items, and family photos are usually the go-to touches that most people make. However, consider each carefully, as you don’t want to clutter the space before you even begin. If in doubt, consider the function of available vertical and horizontal space first.


Clearing out a room first is a massive help when you want to create a home office. However, it also helps to think about the things your personal office space needs based on available space. Finish the room with personal touches, but be aware of cluttering the space with each item.

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