Week 17

Burlap and Babies baby bump

How far along? 17 weeks and the little one is the size of an onion this week.

Maternity clothes: On Monday I had the tough realization that no matter how much I want to try and still wear my dress pants to work, no can do. After only a few hours, my skin was starting to rub raw because they were just too tight. I now have my first pair of maternity dress pants that we found at Babies ‘R’ Us for only $5!! And they are super comfy!!

Sleep: Still going great. I did notice a few nights ago that my back felt a little funny when I woke up sleeping on my back.

Symptoms: See movement below

Food cravings:  None still

Nausea? Nope

Stretch marks? Might be noticing some more stretching so am using some body lotion after my shower each day

Total weight gain:  This past week I really grew in bump size and also partied all weekend for my sister’s college grad, father’s day, and then my sister’s birthday. So between all those things I’m up about 2 pounds. Not sure if I’ll lose it again but we’ll see.

Movement: About 95% sure I felt baby move for the first time on Monday (16 weeks 5 days)!! I was driving to work and it felt like an organ had a heartbeat for a few seconds or something. I’m still waiting to feel it again though.

Gender: Unknown still

Labor Signs: None

Belly button in or out? In

Wedding ring on or off? On

Happy or moody: Happy

Best moment this week: Feeling little nugget of course!!

Looking forward to: Our next prenatal appointment next week. Get to meet our second midwife finally. :)

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2 thoughts on “Week 17

  1. Yay!!!! I’m so excited you felt your little one! I felt ours first at 14 and a half weeks and now it moves like crazy. I love feeling him/her a few times every hour. :-) Also, I’m totally jealous that you found some maternity pants. I found a pair of maternity shorts but pants are evading me!

    1. Wow!! That’s super early. Jealous! :) Are you finding out the gender? I can’t wait to find out what this little one is. The Jantzen Beach babies ‘r’ us had a bunch of $5 pants. Maybe check there.

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