Birth Story: Dwelling in Happiness

Welcome to the first of an inspiring week filled with a collection of birth stories. Be sure to stop by each day this week to read more stories!

Today’s birth story is from Amanda at Dwelling in Happiness. Her precious little one turned one year old just last week and Amanda threw this amazing birthday party for her little gem. So sweet!

Inspiring birth story collection series including the good, the bad, and the ugly.

As my daughter turned 1 year old on November 3rd, I still find myself daily thinking back on that precious day when she came into the world. I had NO idea what to expect for birth, and to be quite honest, I was scared to death. Being a type A control freak, I hate the unknown and the waiting. However, I think my husband David was even MORE nervous. He hates waiting for things too, and was stressing out every day that our due date got closer. I was due on November 12th, but on the morning of November 3rd, I started feeling contractions. I wasn’t sure if they were braxton hicks or not, but they felt like cramps. I noticed they were coming and going throughout church, and continued on through our breakfast date with my sister and her family. I told David about them, and of course he became a nervous wreck. I’ve always been able to manage pain pretty well, so when a contraction came I just breathed through it. I don’t even think my sister or brother in law knew what was happening!

I tried to go about our day as normal, so we ran some errands and went home. I tidied up the house and tried to keep myself busy, even though the contractions were slowly becoming a little more regular. I just kept telling myself I wasn’t in labor yet and that they were braxton hicks. Finally, I had David start timing my contractions. They were still 4-6 minutes apart, so I wasn’t in a hurry. I called my doctor to let him know what was going on, and he said I could either keep waiting at home or go and get checked at the birthing center. I was so worried that I’d get there and I’d only be 1cm dilated and they’d send me home anyway, so I opted to just hang longer at home.

We had plans that night to have dinner at my in-laws, and I told David we should just go anyway. The waiting around was killing us both, and I thought being somewhere else would be a distraction. We packed up the car with our hospital bags just in case, and headed over. My contractions were still slowly getting closer together and were a few minutes apart. They were painful, but still manageable. When one would come, I’d just get up, walk around, and take deep breaths to get through it. My in-laws thought I was crazy because when I’d get a contraction while we were eating and I was talking, I’d stop, close my eyes to get through the contraction, and then go back to talking. I still refused to go to the hospital yet in fear that I wouldn’t be far enough along.

I wanted a natural drug-free birth, so my mom (who is an Obstetrical Nurse, and also taught us Lamaze classes) said she would come over to our house and help me get through some of the harder contractions to come. As we were leaving my in-laws to come home, I had one of the biggest and most painful contractions yet; and it lasted for over 2 minutes. But, in my stubbornness, I still wanted to go home. We got in the car and started driving, when I really felt like God was prompting me to go get checked. Finally, I turned to David and said, “Ok, fine, let’s just go to the hospital and see where I’m at.” I think David was SO relieved!

We got to the hospital birthing center just in time for another SUPER painful contraction. They set me up in their triage room to get checked. Once I changed my clothes (through another very painful contraction), a nurse came in, put on her gloves, checked my dilation, pulled her glove off, and literally ran out of the room saying something loudly to the other nurses. David and I looked at each other worried, as we were left in the room with NO explanation!

Finally the nurse came back in, and I said, “so, what am I dilated to?” She said, “Your at 9cm, we have to get you into a room NOW.” We were SHOCKED! As they wheeled me into a room, David quickly called our parents and told them to HURRY! We got into our room and a swarm of nurses came at me. We were waiting on my doctor, and we prayed he’d get there soon! A few minutes later, he walked in, checked me, and said I was at 10cm and could push whenever I needed to. Whoa!

It was all such a blur, but I remember how painful the contractions were at the end, and how I was having trouble getting through them. My mom had given us a book on Lamaze tips and how to breath, and I remember (DURING a contraction, mind you) telling David to grab me the book so I could read how I needed to breath. Ha, really?! He just looked at me like I was crazy! Finally, the urge to push came and my doctor came back to assist. After only 2 pushes, Jade crowned and I reached down to help pull her out (so I’m told, I don’t remember!). She was placed on my chest, and the love and happiness I felt was overwhelming as I got to meet my baby girl for the first time. Even though David gets faint at the IDEA of blood, not only was he there and supportive the whole time (we totally thought he wouldn’t handle it!), but he also got to cut the cord! It was the most incredible moment we could ever experience.

Dwelling in Happiness birth story

It amazes me how God equipped our bodies to go through labor. We are SO thankful that Jade came out healthy, and everything went smoothly. We’re also SO thankful we went to the hospital when we did, or David would have had to deliver her in the car! Jade weighed only 5lbs 9oz, but was as healthy as could be. We thank God everyday for our sweet Jade, and can’t believe she is already 1 year old. Time really does fly!!

Dwelling in Happiness birth story


Thanks so much for sharing your story, Amanda! I sure hope my little one comes into this world like yours!

Be sure to stop by each day this week to read more inspiring birth stories…including the good, the bad, and the ugly.

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