Christmas Mantle

Since we just moved from our small college town back to the big city near family and friends, this was our first Christmas in an apartment that people would actually get to enjoy with us so I made it my mission to start building our Christmas decor. . . starting with a mantle. Mr G and I took off to Home Depot and found a simple black floating shelf. I didn’t want anything too elaborate because I want the content to be the focus of attention.

On top of the shelf I added some quilt batting as snow and a sparkle garland I got on sale at Joann’s for 60% off. The frame I bought at Goodwill last year and I painted it blue with a sponge layer of white on top.

The stockings I made using burlap and satin I bought from my local fabric store. I am still on the lookout for the perfect initials to go on each of out stockings. I am starting to think I just need to make my own.

I realized something was missing on the side and so went to my craft closet and took two leftover candles from our wedding 2.5 years ago. I cut some burlap and attached it around the candles with twine. On the large candle I added a cinnamon stick to add a little pizzazz.

Now for my favorite piece of the shelf, I saw this inspiration picture of the Noel bunting from Michelle at Sweet Something Designs and knew I could make a more simplified version for our shelf.

I love how ours turned out. I used my Cameo to cut out NOEL in vinyl and after cutting the burlap triangles, I spray painted the letters onto each triangle. After a night sitting on the porch, I hot glued the it all together using twine. I bought some small eye hooks and screwed them into the bottom of the shelf to hang the bunting flag from.

I love how it turned out and am so excited to start decorating it for each new season and holiday.

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