Christmas Tree ’12

Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house, no one was stirring…..ha ya right! I stayed up until midnight wrapping presents and taking pictures of my tree.

Why, you may ask? Well because when else will I be able to get cool pictures of my tree in the dark with presents under the tree (since of course they are all unwrapped less than 24 hrs after they are wrapped).

Mr g was awesome enough to help me create one massive glitter garland using styrofoam glitter balls found at Michaels, twine I already had, and a yarn needle. After I strung all the balls on, mr g helped me arrange all the balls so they were more evenly spaced and then we carefully wrapped it around the tree. I love how they turned out and can’t wait to make more for next years tree!

Even little Charlie boy enjoys the tree.

Happy Christmas-ing everyone!

And I’d say brown paper packages tied up with string look pretty awesome on my tree skirt.

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