Dear Little One #4

Dear Little One | love letters from mommy and daddyDear Little One,

Last night while I sorted my email as you did somersaults in my belly — which is becoming a pretty regular activity — I saw an email with the headline “Time to Pack Your Bag.” Made me catch my breath for a second. Holy gimeny! Packing bags means it’s almost time to leave for the hospital, which means it’s almost time for you to get here, which means it’s almost time for mommy to hold you in my arms. Do you know how excited that made me? Sometime within the next 6 weeks(ish) you will decide to make an appearance and it will be amazing!

I just want to remind you how much you are loved and cherished already. Last week, we were the center of attention at your baby shower with some of daddy and my oldest friends. Yesterday, as I walked into my last monthly staff meeting, I was blown away to be surrounded by oodles of pink at a surprise baby shower! There you received another handmade crochet blanket and a gorgeous handmade quilt. And we have another baby shower coming up this Sunday with friends who I have been honored to call some of my closest friends these past few months as we go through mommyhood together.

Blessed. It’s the only way to put it. And soon you get to be a part of this world with us. Can’t wait for you to get here little one!



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