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How far along? 34 weeks. Baby girl is about 18-20 inches long and weighs about 5 pounds.
Maternity clothes: Absolutely! And besides flip flops, I now only have one pair of shoes I can wear that fit my poor swollen feet.
Sleep: Still going great. Seriously, the snoogle was the best gift I ever received! It’s like sleeping curled around a cloud each night and I’m sure is a big part of why this pregnancy has been so easy….because I’m actually rested. I swear by my snoogle body pillow!
Food cravings: None. I think I missed the food craving boat this pregnancy. Maybe next time around.
Nausea: None
Symptoms: Besides the ever growing belly, linea nigra, and the constant wiggle of a baby growing in tight quarters inside of me….yes, I’d say I am definitely showing signs of still being pregnant. Swollen feet has been a constant frenemy the last few weeks.
Total weight gain: I haven’t weighed myself recently but last I checked, I was down .2 pounds from the previous week. So I’d say I’m holding pretty steady. They say as baby starts to gain more weight towards the end of the third trimester and baby’s metabolism speeds up, mommy’s weight stays more steady. We’ll see if that holds true.
Movement: Moving constantly! Check out this little clip from baby moving last night.
Gender: Girl…or at least we hope. She has received lots of pink and purple, espeicially the last few weeks, so I certainly hope so!
Labor Signs: None still. I have my next appointment tomorrow though so maybe they’ll tell me something I don’t know.
Belly button in or out? In.
Wedding ring on or off? On.
Happy or moody? Happy
Best moment this week: Being so blessed by my friends and family at two baby shower’s. I’ll share more about them next week but let’s just say my sisters and coworkers are awesome!! Plus, I have another one with my friends from church this weekend.
Looking forward to: Finishing the nursery! Plus, being done with work. I love my job but I am exhausted by the end of the day and I am ready to finally feel prepared for this baby to come….not that I probably ever will feel fully ready. The end is definitely in sight though! So crazy to think that this weekend we are packing our bags!
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