Life with a Newborn: Our Reality

With some mamas life with a newborn is pure bliss. Baby comes out. No tearing. Quick recovery. Milk comes in on day two. Baby is a champ eater. Packs on the pounds. Sleeps long stretches at night. And before they know it they have a crawler.

Life with a Newborn: Our Reality
Life with a Newborn: Our Reality

Well life with a newborn has not all been unicorns and rainbows for us. This is our reality. Tore badly causing me to be put on couch rest (like bed rest) for two weeks pretty much. Baby lost over 14% in three days. Not gaining. Staph infection for me. Mastitis. Thrush for baby girl. Still not gaining weight. Strict scheduled feedings consisting of nursing, pumping, and formula every two hours round the clock. And that’s all before we hit two weeks old.

Then on day 16 a glimmer of hope. The lactation consultant put all the symptoms together and did a more thorough investigation after talking with our case with some other lactation consultants and realized baby has a class 4 posterior tongue tie. Procedure scheduled for four days later to get it fixed and then we have another two week wait before nursing should start getting better.

To say it’s been fun would be an understatement. Challenging. Exhausting. Emotional.

But I can finally see that we’re probably on the other side of this hill. Clara has now consistently gained weight at her last two weight checks and we’re hoping that just keeps going up. Her tongue tie procedure is Monday morning and then we have another weight check on Tuesday.

Please send up a prayer that little one continues to gain weight because this momma sure could use some motivation to keep on going with this 2 hour schedule.

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9 thoughts on “Life with a Newborn: Our Reality

  1. Ohhh friend, I’m so sorry! I remember how tough the first weeks are. Jade was just so little so I was feeding every 2.5 hrs. I pretty much lived on the couch nursing for hours on end everyday! IT GETS BETTER! I hope you both are feeling better, and that nursing gets better for you. Once you both get established, its truly amazing! Hang in there momma, you’re doing great!

    1. Yes that’s how I feel!!! Definitely feel like a milking machine. :) As of Thursday she still had 11 oz to go to get to birth weight and she still is like drowning in most newborn clothes. Once the tongue tie gets fixed though it should take about two weeks and then the nursing thing should get much better. So the end is in sight!!

  2. Will be thinking of you Amanda! My lil nephew had this procedure done when we was a newborn too… I hope things will get smoother for y’all soon! It will get better, I should say! Hugs!

  3. Oh, dear… Stay strong, mama!! I’m sorry to hear it’s been a rough start! Keep delighting in the Lord and enjoy that little one – it goes way too fast!!!

    Merry Christmas from our family to yours!

  4. So sorry it has been such a rough first few weeks! I am sure it will only get better from here on out… just take it one day at a time and I am glad to hear she is gaining wait now! Breast feeding can be so hard, I did it with both of mine and will again if we have another. I love that photo of her at the top, so sweet! Oh, and I tore on my first one, but my second one I didn’t and it was amazing the difference in recovery time! So, I totally get how awful that is!! Hugs and prayers for you and that little bundle of joy!!

  5. I am so sorry you guys are having a rough first few weeks friend! While I have no experience or advice to give you, I do remember that Katie at Bower Power had the same issue with the tongue tie with her boys and has talked alot about it on her blog, this one mainly: You guys are on top of it but thought her posts and the comments on them will help you feel better ;) Virtual hugs!

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