New Blog Design!

Happy Friday! If you think things look different around here, you aren’t going crazy!

Burlap and Babies has been going through some major changes the last few weeks and I am SO excited to say the least. For my birthday this year, Mr G promised me he would do the switch from Blogger to WordPress for me. And since he just gave me an inch, I figured I might as well ask for a mile so we threw in a whole new brand design too!

If you remember, this is what the old blog looked like.

Burlap and Babies before


And well, you can see what it looks like now.

Burlap and Babies after update


It’s so fresh and clean and I just couldn’t be happier! What do you think of the new design? I was convinced the stress from making the switch from Blogger to WordPress was going to put me into labor but I am happy to inform you all that baby girl is still happily cooking inside me. We still have lots of kinks and more importantly links to fix but it’s a work in progress and I know in the long run this was a great decision!

Be sure to stop by on Monday as I join in on the Tour Through Blogland!

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