If you haven’t heard of the One Room Challenge™ (ORC), I’ll give you a few details. Twice annually bloggers from all over the interwebs take 6 weeks to transform a room in their home and share progress posts each week. There are 20 featured designers selected by Linda from Calling It Home, the host and genius behind the One Room Challenge. Those 20 bloggers link up their progress posts on Wednesday and everyone else links up on Thursday. In the Spring, over 200 bloggers were involved and I loved seeing all the rooms made over. So much talent and so many creative ideas!
Throughout the 6 weeks, each participant posts a weekly progress update. The first week participants introduce the room including before photos and a design plan. Then, in subsequent weeks, each participant shares progress photos and talks about the week’s accomplishments and challenges. At the conclusion of the One Room Challenge, each participant posts a reveal of the completed space with lots of beautiful photos, as well as a source list for the space.
Follow along to see how our guest room is transformed into a toddler chic bedroom.
Week 1 – Toddler Chic Bedroom
Week 2 – The Design Plan
Week 3 – Painting Decisions
Week 4 – Overcoming Decor Setbacks
Week 5 – Planning a Gallery Wall
Week 6 – The Reveal!!
And a shout out to my fabulous sponsors! I am so excited to be partnering with Orchard Supply Hardware and Mpix for this project! You’ll be hearing much more about these sponsors throughout the One Room Challenge, but I just wanted to give them another shout out here!