The Trick to Arrange Flowers like a Pro

Although I love flowers and they add so much life and color to a home, I am always so intimidated at the idea of having to arrange them. They always look lame and amateur….until now. Let me share with you the trick to arrange flowers just like a pro!

The Trick to Arrange Flowers like a Pro
The Trick to Arrange Flowers like a Pro

All you need is a vase, scotch tape, and flowers (fake or real). I bought this vase at Michael’s for $3 and found all the artificial flowers for at least 50% off. What a deal!

The Trick to Arrange Flowers like a Pro

The Trick to Arrange Flowers like a Pro

So all you need to do is take your vase and make a grid on the top using your tape. Don’t worry about the extra on the edge. Unless someone is looking up close no one will ever notice it.

The Trick to Arrange Flowers like a Pro

Now take your flowers and start putting them in the grid. Start with your tallest in the middle and be sure to vary the type of flower/color in each section. And there you have it! Super simple and fills out the entire vase.

The Trick to Arrange Flowers like a Pro

The Trick to Arrange Flowers like a Pro

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One thought on “The Trick to Arrange Flowers like a Pro

  1. What an awesome idea. This seems so simple, yet seems to make a world of difference. I will definitely be trying this method the next time I get flowers. :)

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