Week 15

Well another week has passed. It feels like the last few months are just whizzing by and I hope that continues on because boy am I ready to hold my sweet little babe in my arms. This week the little one is the size of an apple and its legs are finally longer than its arms and all the joints and limbs can now move. So interesting! I find these growth updates I get on my app each week to be fascinating!

But anyways, pregnancy is awesome so far. Honestly, I don’t even remember I’m prego most of the time…well until someone makes a comment like when someone at work today said “I thought you were just getting fat….and then I found out you were pregnant!” Well thank you sir for that reminder. Typical dude. Hmmm thanks for telling me I’m fat. At least it’s for a good reason this time.

Burlap and Babies: Week 15 baby bump
Burlap and Babies: Bump progression
How far along? 15 weeks 

Maternity clothes: Still wearing lots of dresses, skirts, and leggings or sweats when I get home from work

Sleep: Super sporadic this week, a few days I couldn’t fall asleep until 11 but then last night I was asleep by 9. At least I’m not falling asleep on the couch at 8 anymore.

Best moment this week: All the comments I got yesterday saying how cute my little baby bump is when I was wearing a form fitting dress at work.

Symptoms: Headaches…this week I’ve been having a lot of headaches. I looked it up and it’s a pretty common thing to have when pregnant so I’m not too worried.

Food cravings: None still

Nausea? Nope…good on that front

Stretch marks? None

Total weight gain: I fluctuate within about 2 pounds depending on the day. I was up a pound and then yesterday I lost 1.2 pounds in two days so it totally changes. Staying pretty stable still though.

Movement: None but I’m anxiously waiting for it!

Gender: Find out in 33 days!!

Labor Signs: None

Belly button in or out? In

Wedding ring on or off? On

Happy or moody: Still happy unless the headache has been going for longer than an hour without a break…then I get cranky

Looking forward to: Genetic screening results to come in. And also being able to talk to friends about all the new babies that are coming…some still haven’t been announced to the world yet but boy am I excited!!

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