Week 20 and Adorable Baby Shoes

Check out that bump! I don’t spend much time staring at myself in the mirror but there is no more hiding little one and I love it! My biggest fear was always being too fat that you wouldn’t be able to tell that I’m pregnant…well I don’t think that’s going to be the case. Although I gained back some of the 38 pounds I lost last year before I got pregnant, I am still proud of myself for what I’ve done and accomplished and now check out that baby! This is what all that work was for! To be healthy for little one and to be a healthy momma for my future family.

Now on to this week….

How far along? 20 weeks….baby is the length of a banana. 6.5 whole inches!

Maternity clothes: My many dresses that I thought would last me through the summer are slowly getting higher and higher up leg. Uh oh! Didn’t think about that dilemma.

Sleep: Been so exhausted lately just from life that I haven’t even noticed how it’s going

Food cravings:  None still but I don’t want protein. I keep thinking it will change but we were talking in birth class tonight that I need to start supplementing with protein shakes or something to make sure I’m getting enough protein.

Nausea: None…feeling great. Most of the time I don’t even remember I’m pregnant.

Stretch marks: Yes but I’m not going to stress over it.

Total weight gain: I’ve been avoiding the scale like the plague!! In all honesty, last week I gained seven whole pounds!! Looking back I know it’s because of my poor eating habits. Between this dreaded heat and not wanting to turn on the over and being in the middle of our kitchen remodel….eating has been bad. Thankfully I dropped two pounds over the next few days but now I haven’t weighed myself since Tuesday. So we’ll see how it is in a few more days. I’m trying to only weigh myself 1 or 2 times a week to not become obsessive since I fluctuate so much.

Movement: Feeling baby much more and loving every second of it!!

Gender: Eeeeek!! We know but aren’t telling until our party next week. Hardest secret ever to keep but oh so fun!

Labor Signs: None

Belly button in or out? In

Wedding ring on or off? On

Happy or moody: Happy most of the time…a little bit of a tough week with it being my birthday (which I dislike anyways) and then to add to that awesomeness, mr g woke up at 2am on my birthday puking and spent the next 24 hours a mess with food poisoning.

Best moment this week: Today was another amazing baby week! Between finding out the gender on Monday, taking gender reveal photos, and attending two birth classes….this week was awesome! I love everything that we’ve been learning and want to tell everyone about it.

Looking forward to: Gender reveal party in 10 days!!

And here’s a little sneak peek from our photoshoot on Monday when we found out what we are having. We took these pictures before we found out what it is and can you see the anticipation and excitement on our face?! We were practically bursting at the seams!


A dear friend that I’ve known since high school took our photos and we are so blessed that she has chosen to share her talent with us. If you look on my about page you’ll see she also did our beach photo shoot. Let’s just say she puts up with all my crazy ideas and is fantastic! And aren’t these shoes just precious!! Found them on sale at Target this weekend.

So go check her out! She’s amazing. If you’re in the northwest, definitely look up Nakalan McKay Photography. Her specialty is weddings but she does everything from family to birth stories to lifestyle shoots.

Only a week left until our big gender reveal party! Can’t wait to share the news with everyone!!

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3 thoughts on “Week 20 and Adorable Baby Shoes

  1. OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!!!! I WANT THOSE SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m heading over to target at lunch to see if there are any of those little *insert the gender of my child* shoes there. Also, I can’t wait to find out what gender your baby is!

    1. Did you find any?! I know we got the last ones of the boy shoes when we bought them last weekend. The girl ones were hanging in the baby supply aisle…not in the clothing section. I have them both sitting on our mantle now just waiting until we announce. So cute!! They make me so happy! :) :) :)

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