Since this is my place to document life….I decided I’m going to have another baby post this week because I don’t want to forget 5 years down the road and 3 kids later how precious it was preparing for our first little one. So sorry for the picture overload! Today is all things baby shower!

My sisters threw a beautiful baby shower for family and friends. Mainly people from our old church who I hadn’t seen since being pregnant. The theme was birdcages, lemons, and hot pink. So fun!! And, as always, the food was amazing! Here are some photos from that shower.
They planned a super cute guestbook where guests signed in the children’s book Guess How Much I Love You.
And here’s some more from the dessert table! These brownie bites have marshmallow puff creme, a peanut butter cream cheese mixture, and a mini peanut butter cup. Let’s just say I could eat 15 in one sitting! They are so good!! And darling too!
Just some of our family that made it to the shower.
I have known these lovely ladies since kindergarten and it’s so fun getting to go through life with them!!
And then for shower #2. Now, let me start off by saying I really should learn to carry my camera around more. But these are the best photos we have from this shower so my apologies!
My boss threw me a surprise baby shower at our monthly staff meeting last week. It was so fun! We played games like guess the size of my belly, a baby food guessing game, and a race to pull safety pins out of a bowl of rice. Of course we had cake too!
I have only worked at my job for a year but these people have become like family to me! One lady I work with crochet baby girl this darling blanket. It looks pink in the picture but it’s actually a light purple and so cozy!
My boss, who has been way more than just a boss, made this gorgeous quilt! It is absolutely beautiful. She’s finishing the binding but once she’s done I’ll get some better pictures of it with the camera. I can’t wait to snuggle our little girl in it. Thanks friends!!
And now for shower #3.This one was with the ladies from our small group from church plus a few other ladies that we know. I’ve mentioned before that there are four of us due within 3 weeks of each other…well this party was with these ladies. So much fun!! And of course we had food but I was too busy eating it to take any pictures.
We played the playdoh game where guests had to sculpt an action that baby or me will be doing or going through soon. I then had to guess what the actions were.
Okay and seriously friends I’ll leave you with the most darling diaper cake. Is this not the most gorgeous thing ever?! My friend absolutely nailed it for the baby shower!! The colors and theme were just perfect. So amazing!! It’s just sitting on my kitchen counter still because I can’t bear to take it apart.
Thanks friends and family for blessing me and my family! We have been so blessed by so many of you and are excited for you to soon meet our daughter!
If you missed my post about 5 fun baby shower games earlier this week, you can check it out here.
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Awww… What a precious shower!