Do you find yourself about ready to lose your mind with a hyper toddler and a fussy baby on your hip counting the seconds before your husband walks through the door sometimes? Take a deep breath and then…
Check out this fantastic list of the best toddler shows on Netflix.
Those days when you’re going crazy…
The baby is screaming, the toddler is running around with the terrible two syndrome rearing it’s ugly head, and you’re just counting down the minutes until daddy gets home…
What do you do? Rather, than lose your mind…realize it’s okay to turn the tv on and take a breather. It’s okay. I had to give myself permission and now I’m giving you permission too. You aren’t a bad mom for turning on the TV. So, if that’s the case and you’re having one of those terrible, no-good days, here are 5 fantastic educational shows on Netflix for your toddler to watch that you don’t need to feel guilty about.
The Best Shows for Toddlers on Netflix
1 | Word Party
Word Party is an educational Netflix original show with these four little baby animals in diapers that are darling! They have done an outstanding job interacting and engaging the young child watching. Mini Me still has a hard time grasping the fact that these cute animals on the big screen are talking to HER, but I’m hoping one day soon she’ll get the concept and it’ll be a little more of a learning experience for her.
The show focuses on teaching basic things such as colors, shapes, and animals. This show is great for your little one and the episodes are short. This is my default show to turn to if I need to feed the baby and Mini Me is having a rough time playing on her own.
Episodes are around 13 minutes long
Related: Check out these 5 tips to create a Montessori toddler bedroom.
2 | Sofia the First
Oh, Sofia! Sofia is about a little girl whose mom married the King and has become a Princess. She is learning the skills it takes to be a princess while still being herself. The show is great for little girl’s to learn to embrace their individuality.
P.S. Tim Gunn is the voice of the castle steward and I have such a hard time taking him seriously! Makes me miss having time to watch Project Runway!!
Each episode is about 22 minutes long
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3 | Super WHY!
Super Why! is based on storybooks and does a great job teaching about letters and spelling in a fun way as they rewrite traditional children stories. It’s very interactive and is great for more advanced toddlers that are interested in reading. A little princess also uses a spelling wand and I think it would be fun to involve the kiddos more to have their own. You could make a wand similiar to the ones made for this baby shower or you can just buy a spelling super wand right here.
Each episode is around 25 minutes long.
4 | Sid the Science Kid
Sid is a little boy who wants to find the answer to life’s big questions like why is the grass geeen, why do bananas bruise, etc. Similiar to Super Why!, it’s a little more educational than some of the others but it still keeps my little’s attention and I know she’s learning about the important things in life.
Around 22 minutes long
Related: Baby shower coming up? Make the Ultimate Baby Shower Gift Basket!
5 | Mother Goose Club
Ok, don’t tell my husband I’m adding this to the list, but it’s such a great show and I never feel guilty turning it on for an episode. Mother Goose Club has these cheesy nursery rhyme characters and they sing old songs you grew up singing as a kid. It’s a little too cheesy for my husband but the girls and I love it!
This is a great show to watch for when I realize I sing “the wheels on the bus” and “twinkle, twinkle little star” on repeat all day long.
40 minutes long
Plus, one more!
Sadly, Netflix removed Daniel Tiger last year, however, if you have Amazon Prime you can still watch it and it’s our favorite show so I felt like I needed to include it! Daniel Tiger takes me back to my childhood watching Mister Rogers. If you didn’t know it yet, Daniel Tiger is based on Mister Rogers and as you watch it you’ll see so many similarities. Between Prince Wednesday, the trolley, and the updated theme song I get all the feels when I watch Daniel Tiger with Mini Me.
I love how at the end of each episode they take it to real life and learn real, valuable lessons on how kids are implementing what they learned in the show.
So, the next time you’re having one of those days. Do it. Grab the remote and give yourself permission to let your toddler watch a show.
Did I miss anything? What are your favorite educational shows for toddlers?
Share in the comments below.
Even today when I want to spend one quality minute, I play Mother Goose Club on my iPhone and it always surprises me how this show introduces children to characters, drama, simple story structure and a host of new vocabulary words in such an easy manner…
Justin time, Justin time go, storybots, magic school bus,magic school bus rides again,
Little baby bum! All educational songs about animals, cointing, letters, and shapes!
We absolutely love Octonauts! It’s about a group of animals who travel the oceans learning about and helping sea creatures. My son has learned so much, and the best part is that the dialogue and storylines aren’t mind numbing for parents.