We always look for extra storage space in the closet, kitchen, or greenhouse. Have you got a greenhouse and already running out of room? I’ve got you covered with some amazing greenhouse shelving DIY ideas and tips to help you manage your space.
Shelving is the best way to organize your greenhouse and maximize all the available space. Your shelving needs will depend on a number of factors, such as the size of your greenhouse, the floor space, and accessibility, among others. We’ll explore various DIY options for your greenhouse shelves and give you all the basic information you need to organize your structure.
If you like DIY projects or are new to them but like them, there’s more where this came from. Click here to enjoy more of our DIY projects and ideas to help you create, decorate and celebrate your space.
What Is Greenhouse Shelving?
Greenhouse shelving is a way of increasing space in a smaller greenhouse by adding shelves to maximize the available space. The shelves can also support climbing plants and provide space for storing tools and extra pots.
Greenhouse shelving is made of metal, plastic, wood, or a combination of metal and wood. They are available in various sizes and designs, but one can also DIY them from scratch at home.
It would be best to consider the shelves’ weight and the plants when buying or making greenhouse shelving. Metallic shelves are suitable for heavier plants, while lightweight ones would do great in PVC shelves.
Greenhouse Shelving Options
The most popular greenhouse shelving DIY option is the freestanding shelves. They can be made from metal, wood, or plastic and are easy to assemble. You can buy the parts and assemble them or buy your preferred materials and make your shelves from scratch. They are easy to move, and you can place them anywhere in the greenhouse.
The other option for greenhouse shelving is the wall-mounted shelves. They have a similar outlook to the freestanding shelves but, as the name suggests, are mounted on the walls. They are made of metal, wood, or plastic. They are suitable for small greenhouses with limited spaces and are not movable.
The last option is suspended shelving. As the name suggests, it hangs from the ceiling, maximizing the open space above your greenhouse floor. It is suitable for storing heavy items like pots and is designed to support heavy loads with falling.
DIY Ideas
You will need more suitable shelves and pot benches to hold your plants in the greenhouse. The already-grown plants will need good growing space, while the seedlings and smaller plants will require smaller shelves. You can always buy specific shelving units for your plants, but you can also DIY them.
Freestanding 4 Tier shelving
The shelves are versatile and easy to make from scratch or assemble the already made parts. You can buy the already-made parts and follow the user manual to assemble the parts into one functional unit.
If you feel handy, you can buy the materials and make your shelves from scratch. You can combine a metal base and wooden stands since the shelves will hold lightweight plants. Mount the metallic wire mesh onto wooden blocks to make the tiered design. Once done, attach the tiers to the four longest wooden blocks acting as the stands.
Ensure the distance between the tiers is deep enough for optimal plant growth. They are easily movable and thus suitable as adjustable shelves.
Cubbies save a lot of space and are easy to make at home. All you will need is any material from metal, wood, or plastic, depending on your specific plant needs. You will create your desired length of cubby shelves and make the partitions. Your plants will stand at the sections.
Cubbies are suitable for small plants, but you can always customize them for any plant type. Cubby shelves can store potting tools, extra pots, and other garden accessories. They offer space that holds so much stuff, thus keeping your greenhouse organized and neat at all times.
Heavy-duty Shelves
The other greenhouse shelving idea you can DIY is heavy-duty shelves. They are suitable for weighty plants, and if you need a shelf for a nursery, it would be the perfect fit. Seedlings may not be heavy, but the soil and water will add to the weight, and thus you may need a stronger shelf. Also, consider heavy-duty cabinets with lockers where you can safely keep sharp tools.
You will need wood and metallic wire gauze to make heavy-duty shelves. Wood will be used to make the frames of the shelves then the wire gauze will be fitted to separate the cabinet into tiers. The wire gauze will hold the seedlings in place, while the wooden blocks will support the entire structure.
Wire Mesh Shelves
The wire mesh shelves are made by framing shelves with wood and then lining the tiers with wire mesh. You will have to use heavy-duty staples or nails to hold the wire mesh in place by the wood. The wood frame support on each shelf ensures that the mesh does not sag or fall off.
The mesh ensures that sunrays reach all the plants in all the tiers. It also keeps the soil and water from stagnating on the plant shelf.
Window Shelves
Another exciting greenhouse shelving idea is mounting shelves on recycled windows. You can use your old window and a couple of wooden pallets to achieve the look. Secure the wooden frames to the sides of the window and ensure they are stable. You can also use a clamp to secure the shelf to the window sill for added safety.
Window shelves are a minimalist option and maximize small spaces. Plants will be well exposed to the sunlight while staying warm and healthy. Also, the DIY is great for sustainability.
Simple Wall-mounted Shelves
Simple wall-mounted shelves are the easiest DIY greenhouse shelves you can create for your greenhouse. You will need a wooden, plastic, or metallic material, high-duty staples, nails, or a clamp. Determine the wall you want your shelves to rest on. The next step is to pin the shelves to the wall and secure them using staples, nails, or a clamp, and you are good to go.
Wall-mounted shelves are perfect for limited space and offer practical space to tend to your plants. You can mount additional shelves beneath for more room to place your plants or other gardening supplies and extra pots.
Stair-style Shelves
Another beautiful design of greenhouse shelving you can DIY at home is the stair-style shelves. They take the shape of stairs creating a rich display of plants. They are perfect for storing plants and displaying them. The structure makes the plants easily accessible for watering and sunlight.
You will need your desired materials and nails or clamps for the DIY. The shelves are similar to the rest of the shelves, made from metal or wood and wire gauze. The only difference is the structure. You will mount your tiers in a way that mimics a staircase. Be sure to secure everything with nails or a clamp.
Cut-out Shelves
Cut-out shelves are cute and perfect for little succulents. You will need wood and a hole saw blade to make them. First, you will make a wooden frame with wooden shelves in your desired number of tiers. Once you have your wooden shelf structure, use the hole saw blade to drill holes big enough to fit your pots on the wooden shelves.
Your pots should fit perfectly into the holes, making it look like your plants are snuggling. The shelves are stylish, amusing, and functional since they prevent the plants from falling and breaking.
Potting Bench
A gardening bench is perfect for small spaces, and the shelving technique will come in handy if your greenhouse has limited space. The bench is easy to make as it comprises wood for the frame and pallets for the shelves. The pallets should have spaces between them for proper air circulation and easy draining.
Secure the frame using heavy-duty staples or nails to keep it steady and support the shelves well. You can place it anywhere in your greenhouse and place your pots on whichever shelves you like. The bench’s lowest tier could also be used to store gardening supplies and extra pots.
Choose and stick to a color scheme that will represent the general outlook of your greenhouse. You can choose soft greens or browns if you want your structure to blend with the natural surroundings. A gray shade and red bricks also match perfectly. The color of your structure helps create harmony with your plants.
Opt for wraparound shelving to avoid wasting the corners of your structure. You can use the corner spaces to store greenhouse kits and pots if you feel the spaces may keep your plants hidden. This way, you will avoid clattering your greenhouse.
You will most likely fall in love with the greenhouse once your plants bloom, and you will be tempted to hang out there. Add a chair in between your shelves. You can always enjoy the view of your flowers, plants, and foliage while enjoying a cup of tea or reading a book.
Opt for shelves that allow easy drainage to increase airflow around your plants and avoid gray mold and powdery dew. Always ensure that your shelves have holes at the bottom; if not, drill them yourself. The holes are great for watering and drainage, and they can make hanging easy since you can easily attach metal hooks to them.
Mount shelves along the eaves on the rear wall for a vertical outlook. The vertical outlook keeps plants and foliage close to the glass, thus exposing them to more sunlight and solar energy. The outlook is lovely and offers more space.
Incorporate more than one bench or shelving level to accommodate various plant types and offer more storage space. Lower benches are great for tubers like achimenes, while top shelves are perfect for orchids. Lower benches can also store tools like watering cans and extra pots. High-level shelves are ideal for displaying low-hanging plants and other storage needs.
You can pick any materials for your benches and shelves, but it is advisable to go with metallic ones. Metals are generally more durable, easy to maintain, and move.
Pay attention to the depth of your shelves to ensure that your plants have an optimum growing area. Talk to your greenhouse designer about your specific needs, and they will advise you accordingly. You could opt for versatile shelves that can double up as potting benches.
How to achieve budget-friendly greenhouse shelves
If you are looking for budget-friendly greenhouse shelving DIY ideas, reusing materials would e one of those. You can reuse wooden pallets to create your greenhouse shelves since pallets are sturdy and easy to configure.
You could also opt for secondhand shelves you can reuse for your greenhouse because they are cheaper. The practice is good for sustainability.
The budget-friendly options may not hold up for long, but they can keep your greenhouse shelving up till you afford your desired materials.
Is Gravel Necessary on Greenhouse Shelves?
Gravel is a great addition to greenhouse shelves as an alternative to shingle, sand, and decorative stone. Gravel helps prevent water logging by promoting drainage. If not well drained, your plants run a risk of sitting on stagnant water.
Also, gravel can help increase humidity levels, promoting greenhouse plants’ growth.
Gravel is also important in storing pots to keep them moist. You can bury your pots in deep trays containing gravel. The pots could then be used to grow alpine plants which do better in cool temperaments.
What’s the Purpose of Greenhouse Shelving?
Greenhouse shelving is used to grow and display plants and store supplies and equipment. It will help you maximize the use of your greenhouse space, especially if you are working with limited space.
They are plenty of greenhouse shelving DIY ideas apart from the ones we covered in this post. This article will give you ideas on how to go about creating shelves for your new greenhouse. Let us know if there are any other DIY ideas we should add to this post and the ones you are excited to try from our list.
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