How to Decorate Robin Speckled Easter Eggs

Growing up we had a little robin that liked to nest in the tree outside my parent’s window every Spring. I loved checking on those gorgeous robin eggs every day and waiting for those babies to hatch. Robin eggs are just the epitome of Spring. They are so darling and when I realized you could decorate robin speckled Easter eggs I knew we had to attempt it.

This is a perfect project to get the kids involved with and my two-year-old LOVED to shake those eggs around. If she even thought daddy or I might shake the container without her we had to endure an epic two-year-old tantrum. Suffice to say, it was a hit with her!

Here’s how to make your own robin Easter eggs…

Learn how to decorate robin speckled easter eggs using some rice and food coloring!

How to decorate robin speckled Easter eggs

What you need:

I found five small containers for cheap on Amazon and these worked great for all of my egg decorating adventures. So, here’s how to make them.

Learn how to decorate robin speckled easter eggs using rice and food coloring! It's easy and a great way to get the little kids involved with egg decorating!

1 | Rice

Start by adding about 1/2 cup of rice into your container.

Learn how to decorate robin speckled easter eggs using rice and food coloring! It's easy and a great way to get the little kids involved with egg decorating!

2 | Add Color

Add 6-10 drops of green food coloring into the rice. Give it just a little shake so the food coloring isn’t pooled.

Learn how to decorate robin speckled easter eggs using rice and food coloring! It's easy and a great way to get the little kids involved with egg decorating!

3 | Add Your Egg & SHAKE!

Now, put your egg on top of the rice, put the lid on, and go crazy. Or pass it off to your kiddo at this point and tell them to go crazy. Shake the egg around until it is sufficiently green speckled. Don’t leave the egg in too long or else the rice absorbs too much of the food coloring liquid and starts sticking to your egg and smears the speckled look. Use my personal experience to your advantage. #fail

Tip: When handling colored eggs it’s best to use gloves so that you don’t dye your hands and to limit the fingerprints and smudges. I use these gloves for everything!

Learn how to decorate robin speckled easter eggs using rice and food coloring! It's easy and a great way to get the little kids involved with egg decorating!

This is also a great job to let your kiddos help out on. Mini Me loved shaking the eggs around!

Learn how to decorate robin speckled easter eggs using rice and food coloring! It's easy and a great way to get the little kids involved with egg decorating!

4 | Rest

Put your egg aside and let it sit for about 20-30 minutes so the color absorbs and dries. If you plan to eat these eggs later, let it sit in the fridge.

Learn how to decorate robin speckled easter eggs using rice and food coloring! It's easy and a great way to get the little kids involved with egg decorating!

5 | Repeat

Now, repeat steps 1-3 with blue food coloring, but be sure to not overshake the container or else you risk the green not showing through.

Set your egg aside to dry and there you have it — robin speckled Easter eggs! They are so simple to make and look great!

Learn how to decorate robin speckled easter eggs using some rice and food coloring!

If you decorate robin eggs, I’d love for you to tag me @acraftedpassion so I can check it out! Want to see some other creative ways to decorate Easter eggs? Check out 5 more ways here!

Learn how to decorate easter eggs with these beautiful, creative ideas!

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