Mother’s Day Card from Baby

This one is for all you daddy’s out there! At least in our household, there’s a lot of pressure with Mother’s Day. We all know I hate gifts and holidays where gifts are involved stress me out. And that involves the anticipation of Mother’s Day now that I have a little one. So, I thought I’d just throw it out there what I would enjoy receiving on my first mother’s day. A card. A personalized Mother’s Day card from baby, the greatest joy in my life. That’s all I really want. And I know that most mother’s out there would be just as excited as I would be to receive this on Mother’s Day.

So dads….take note!

Here’s a super simple Mother’s Day card from baby to make.

Every mom wants a personalized Mother's Day card. Create this one especially for mom's first mother's day!

All you need is some cardstock, twine, washi tape {that cutesy little tape your lady likes to put on everything}, non-toxic paint, scissors, hole punch, paper plate, foam brush, and a cute little baby. I’m sure you can probably find all of these things in your home already.

Every mom wants a personalized Mother's Day card. Create this one especially for celebrating mom's first Mother's Day with a Mother's Day card from baby!

I chose to use a foam brush dabber rather than just sticking my 4.5 month olds foot in a plate of paint. Now, you may be concerned about paint and a baby, but if I can do it on very little sleep and a cranky little baby, I’m sure you can too! It may not be centered on the card but honestly, momma ain’t gonna care!

By the way, aren’t baby toesies just the cutest?!

Every mom wants a personalized Mother's Day card. Create this one especially for mom's first mother's day!

Now on to the bunting. A little bunting flag is sure to cuterize anything! And yes, cuterize is definitely a word! It’s super easy to make!

Cut a strip of washi tape, fold it over your twine in half, and then cut it straight. Now you just need to cut out at diagonals to make it cute and repeat! Once you have the flags on, punch two holes in the front of your card and attach the flag. So darling, yet so simple!

Create a super easy bunting flag using washi tape and twine. Perfect to cuterize pretty much anything!

Let me back track real quick, before I started on the card I chose to print on the inside “we love you.” This can totally be handwritten as well though. A little note of why baby loves mommy. Or how you appreciate how great of a mom she is. Nothing elaborate. Just something sweet and heartfelt.

That’s all she needs.

That’s all she really wants.

Every mom wants a personalized Mother's Day card. Create this one especially for celebrating mom's first Mother's Day with a Mother's Day card from baby!

And that’s it! A personalized Mother’s Day card from baby that any momma would cherish for a lifetime! And of course this would really work well from any child. If you have multiple children, you could even do a little set of cards with their little footprints in different colors of paint.

To you momma’s out there reading this, maybe accidentally leave this open for your hunny to get the hint of something you would love. I’m sure they won’t mind you taking the guessing game out of it.

Every mom wants a personalized Mother's Day card. Create this one especially for mom's first mother's day!

What has been the greatest mother’s day gift you ever received or have given?

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One thought on “Mother’s Day Card from Baby

  1. Oh I loved this! I am a nanny and made a footprint of the baby for the mom, but I couldn’t find a craft that I liked until I found yours!! NEVER in a million years would I have thought to do that with washi tape! Thank you so much!

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