10+ Darling Sister Halloween Costume Ideas

Sisters are the greatest! These adorable sister Halloween costume ideas are perfect for toddler and baby or any sibling age!

Last year I made this adorable giraffe costume for my little one for Halloween and then she got sick the day before Halloween and so we only made it to grandpa’s house. This year I’m determined to get out and let Mini Me experience trick-or-treating, so I’m on a mission to find some cute sister Halloween costume ideas. As I was searching though and my secret Pinterest board was growing I figured I might as well show you what I’ve found.

Check out these adorable Halloween costume ideas for sisters.  

Just have one kiddo that needs a costume this year? No worries, I got you covered! Check out these easy DIY toddler Halloween costumes!

Sisters are the greatest! These adorable sister Halloween costume ideas are perfect for toddler and baby or any sibling age!


1. Batgirl & Robin

Sisters are the greatest! These adorable sister Halloween costume ideas are perfect for toddler and baby or any sibling age!

2. Little Bo Peep and Her Sheep

Sisters are the greatest! These adorable sister Halloween costume ideas are perfect for toddler and baby or any sibling age!

3. Dorothy and Lion

Sisters are the greatest! These adorable sister Halloween costume ideas are perfect for toddler and baby or any sibling age!

4. Mouse and Cheese

Sisters are the greatest! These adorable sister Halloween costume ideas are perfect for toddler and baby or any sibling age!

5. Old Ladies

Sisters are the greatest! These adorable sister Halloween costume ideas are perfect for toddler and baby or any sibling age!

6. Moana and Hei Hei

OMG!! Can someone who has a baby and older kid PUH-LEASE dress their little ones as Moana and Hei Hei? So dang adorable!!

7. Ragdolls

Sisters are the greatest! These adorable sister Halloween costume ideas are perfect for toddler and baby or any sibling age!

8. Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf

Sisters are the greatest! These adorable sister Halloween costume ideas are perfect for toddler and baby or any sibling age!

9. Salt and Pepper

These little outfits would be so simple and darling to make, but grab the salt and pepper outfits right here to make it easy on yourself!

Sisters are the greatest! These adorable sister Halloween costume ideas are perfect for toddler and baby or any sibling age!

10. VeggieTales

Sisters are the greatest! These adorable sister Halloween costume ideas are perfect for toddler and baby or any sibling age!

11. Curious George and the Man in the Yellow Hat

This little curious George and the man in the yellow hat would be super popular in our house. Plus, the author did a KILLER job diy-ing that monkey costume. So cute!! Get all the deets here.

Sisters are the greatest! These adorable sister Halloween costume ideas are perfect for toddler and baby or any sibling age!


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Sisters are the greatest! These adorable sister Halloween costume ideas are perfect for toddler and baby or any sibling age!


Make this DIY, easy no-sew giraffe costume for your toddler this Halloween! So cute and simple!

Make this DIY, easy no sew giraffe costume for your toddler this Halloween! So cute and simple!


11 Easy DIY Toddler Halloween Costume Ideas you can make for your cute little one this weekend!

11 Easy DIY Toddler Halloween Costume Ideas you can make for your cute little one this weekend!


Still looking for some ideas? Here are some more cute costume ideas for you!

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