To Our Favorite Daddy + An Announcement!

Happiest of Fathers Day, babe!

What an adventure we have been on. Sometimes I sit there listening to wives complain about how their husbands don’t do this or that or how they feel like they have to do it all at their home and I realize how spoiled I am. I know I don’t rave about this guy enough so let me just share some of the things I love about our favorite daddy.

For starters, my guy does about 90% of all the shopping in our home. How awesome is that?! Remember the show Supermarket Sweep, well I swear he could beat anyone at that game! He knows where every item is and how much he can expect to pay. He can be in and out in the time I’ve found all the produce that was on the list.

And then there’s the meals. It started in college and hasn’t really stopped. Every night after work he makes dinner for us. I hate cooking and maybe one day I’ll start enjoying it but for now the kitchen is all his domain and I love him for that!

He’s always been an amazing husband and has been there for me through the good times and bad but then he became a father…

I have never seen a love so intense as the day he held her in his arms. Daddy’s little princess stole his heart and has never given it back.

Here’s some more reasons we love daddy…

You can make Clara giggle like no one else can.

You give the ABSOLUTE best shoulder rides.

You agree to ridiculous photoshoot ideas I have in my head and help run with it…even if it does result in a screaming baby.

And then there’s the time we left for 5 weeks to be with my sister when she had her baby 7 hours away. You deep cleaned the house while we were gone and made sure it was spotless by the time we came home with no prompting or asking.

You snuggle our sweet monkey whenever you can. Even yesterday I hear you say “I want to go wake her up from her nap just so I can snuggle that cute thing.” Um, no thank you please. We never wake a sleeping baby. 

You’re pretty much the freaking best and I could go on but instead I’ll just share this exciting news for everyone who doesn’t know yet. I know you’re as scared and as terrified as I am, but…..

This Father’s Day we actually have TWO reasons to celebrate you though! Baby #2 is on it’s way and due to arrive December! I can’t decide if it’s just poor planning on our part or a blessing in disguise and later down the road I’ll love it but these two will be almost exactly two years apart. Lots more updates and photos to come.

But for now we’re off to eat some steak and lemon cake. Love you babe! Thanks for being the best!

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4 thoughts on “To Our Favorite Daddy + An Announcement!

  1. Congratulations on the new addition! So, so exciting! Not gonna lie, I’m a little jealous of a man who does the grocery shopping AND the cooking! You’re one lucky woman, haha!

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