Pregnancy Journal

Can you believe it is eight weeks past the craziest, greatest day of my life…The day we welcomed sweet little Clara into this world. If you remember, throughout the pregnancy I tracked how I felt and symptoms so that one day I can look back and remember it all.

One of the things I had the most fun with was seeing the change every few weeks on how much that sweet little one was growing inside and then she was finally here. I thought it would be fun to put it all together so here it is. Love her little scrunchy face at the end!!

Pregnancy journal. Documenting the way from a kumquat to baby.
Pregnancy journal

13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18 / 20 / 22/ 24 / 26 / 28 / 30 / 32 / 34 / 36 / 38 / 40 / She’s Here!

I have been working on a pregnancy journal since I realized I was pregnant and I finally finished it and received it in the mail last week. I loved documenting my way through the nine months and putting memories on paper for one day my daughter to look back on and see how much she was loved and cherished even before we held her in our arms. I included everything from the day we found out, to putting together the nursery, to her birthday. I love how it’s all together in one book now.

I create all my albums in Shutterfly as an 8×8 hard cover book and love them! Now that the pregnancy journal is complete I am starting on month 1 of her life. I create all the photo books on the iPad using their Shutterfly Photo Story app and then do the final tweaks on the computer because you have greater customization ability on the computer but the app saves time. Shutterfly is great in that they often have amazing deals or even send you coupons for free 8×8 photo books, so I plan to just store all the finished albums in my projects online and then order them as I get the deals.

I’m still waiting on my baby book (hello mom!!) and I know so many of my friends are too. Scrapbooks just aren’t practical with all the time it takes, so I love that I can work on her album one handed while nursing and by the end of the month, each one will almost be complete and hopefully that means she’ll have her baby books for the first year of her life before she graduates high school.

* I was not paid by Shutterfly to write this. I legitimately just love their product! If you do click on the link and are a first time user, however, when you make your first purchase I will receive a small amount of money off my next purchase.

A shutterfly pregnancy journal. Documenting the way from a kumquat to baby.

And because what post isn’t complete without an updated Clara picture. My growing girl finally took a nap today in her moses basket and woke up smiley and happy. I just love that sweet face.

I love flipping through all of our photo books starting from when we started dating. Do you make photo albums to hold all the memories? How do you make them?

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2 thoughts on “Pregnancy Journal

  1. Absolutely love how you included the fruit in your photos. My sister is newly pregnant so I will be recommending this to her!

  2. Hi! Wond ring if you used a specifix software or app for the layout and all the headers and text and if so which you used is there some guide or how- to anywhere? Thanks!

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